Want to move to Qatar. Need any information on cost living.

Hi all, I live in UAE now but thinking to move to Qatar, and I got job offer in construction company, Salary will be discussed. I will appreciate if anybody can provide me information on cost of living in Doha, how much do i need to rent an accommodation, transportation, food. I/m single, no children or dependents. Especiilly will appreciate any kind of information about visa, labour policy in Qatar.
Want to have decent life and collect money. POsition in company is Office assistant.
Thank you in advance!!!!
Thanks a lot to everybody for information, really appreciate your help. Take care and many blessings
Such type of question has been asked for many times on QL..
Kindly take a look at the below link to give you bit more idea about it..
Rentals are much higher than Dubai but foodstuff etc are similiar. So overall, cost of living is higher. You'll also find yourself traveling alot back to the UAE, cause there's not much to do here in comparison outside of work. So make sure you factor in those 'costs of living (a full life)' as well :) Best of luck with the move.
I have just moved in and I have just been in your position like 2 month ago looking for information, so that I will let you know all what I have been up to.
1000 to 2500 for shared accommodation
3000 to 7000 for one bedroom apartment
depends on the area and whether it's furnished, semi-Furnished or unfurnished
There is no convenient public transportation here, you have two options:
1- rent a car starting from 1500 QR a month
2- buy a car on loan basis starting from 1000 QR
Cost of Living:
just like UAE (I have been there)
if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask