How to share your internet speed?

By sakib12345 •
I was in my country on vacation and one day i went to a guys house where i came o know that 8-10 friends along with him share internet speed as they use the internet from the same ISP.
Does anybody know how to do that here in Qatar as Qtel is the only ISP in Qatar. I would like to share my uncle's internet speed with my line so that i have a greater download speed. Any ideas ?
thanx guys!!
smoke @ i did not mean sharing 1 line ... what i meant was sharing several lines.. suppose 5 of us use qtel adsl and there is a way that all of use can share our speed to each other... so if 3 out of five is no using the internet..the other two get a higer downlod speed :)
There is no requirement to develop that technology = connecting dsl connections together. For higher requirement there are other technologies available. Hard disk transfer rates already bottleneck when faced with the fastest connections available. So no the requirement does not exist.
Requirements always rise till the sky level, this is human nature.
U can't share the ADSL line directly but you can share the connection thru router. In my understanding you already have an internet connection and you want to connect also to your uncle's connection.
Nope such technology does not exist as the development was not required. Single lines provide all the required speed in most countries.
PM me if you what internet sharing using router.
The following news talk about a technology, which will add up the internet speed of several lines to increase the total download speed. This news was appeared in 5 yeas before, so I believe there should be some improved technology at this time.
please check..
also check this
But anyway I guess this topic poster is talking about simple sharing of a single line with multiple users.
The lowest speed is still 1MBPS for QR 200.
Smoke, For ADSL the lowest speed now is 2mb (they increased it recently from 1mb). If you did not change it yet call QTel and ask them to change.
Sharing always means 'less'.
there, smoke answered your query
May be you are confused. By sharing the same internet line you cannot increase your internet speed in fact you will slow down your existing speed if both use a the same time.
If you have internet at home you can share that line with as many people as you like using a router or a switch depending on how many people you'd like to share with, additionally you can also share it using Q-Tel's wifi modem.
In Qatar the basic broadband internet starts with a 1mb connection and goes up to 8mb if i'm not mistaken.
yes call Qtel how to, but I'm not responsible if legal action taken by Qtel if found share with others.
Call Qtel then ask!