Coffee- Meetup

By mercury_fin •
Hi everyone. I am interested in organizing a coffee-meetup for young QLers,who are in their 20s & 30s.I am sure we have our own things to talk about,so let us keep old folks out for the timebeing.:). And certainly,want to keep it in low numbers(<10), and want to maintain the intimacy level intact between the participants. If interested, you may PM me. Cheers..!
GOOD DAY!! evry1!
hey,,,smoke...u surprised me...that u r a GAY..!!
ooh,,,no...!! so we have to b careful from u...!!
mercuryfin when u want to invite for that waiting................
Hw do we IM you????
Hw do we IM you???
Hi everyone.Please IM me for details,will inform you once it on a go.Thank you.
Yes you can but We dont knw what the organizer is planning yet
can i join this meet-ups please.. =)
Ageist? ROFL! :0)
oink oink! :P
Lot better than a Pig like you ? :)
did he say 20's and 30's that makes it 50's? Right So I guess I am in then?
Rizks you are safe i hear you only like donkeys :)
Thats okay Fellas
ya i want to, but after reading Smoke's comment (for being Gay) i am scared NOW ....:(
you want to be in his coffee meet... :P
i know, i want to what...? Jalebi ?
go on Rizks, you know you want to..
OMG! If I'm losing men to you Smoke, I may as well give up now - I'm off to get me some botox...
WK dont be jealous, just coz i am younger than you...huh ! :(
rizks, between 20-30 hairs you mean?
Rizks don't break down your age,I know you are in 50s :(
20's and 30's...Phewww !!
Thank God i still come under those categories...
Tell me when is the meetup ? :)
intimacy is the state of being intimate as per english guru!!
simple its not like he's gonna be checking IDs at the gate.
TB i have my eyes on you as well :P
I'm not in. I'm 18.
Staring wide eyes at screen. OMG! Smoke you have pulled buddy.
Ah my charms seem to be working already!
@snessy I would rather go for @smoke than fall into your claws..:)
HPS... Habitual Posting Syndrome...:)
Khanna you never noticed me grab your arse before? That was no manly arse grab!
Snessy we can share him :)
@snessy: Are we done?
IM me,for details,won't be posting replies..
snesyy...I dont know what is I am out..:(
Happy..what is HPS..?
Ha Ha, now you're gonna scare this young hottie away from me Smoke, I had my claws in him first, get to the back of the queue ;-)
i should stay away from you Smokey!!!
I'm gay i'm searching for hot young men..think i'll go for this coffee meet and stalk the bugger!
our BC?
FS, you'll be ok - I think this guy is searching for hot young women ;-) and brit are underage...sorry no
@dollyfabulous : Sure,in time..:)
@salmaneng123 : Indeed,I am.
@snessy: I heard cougars are all "plastic",they aint "real".
Fantastic... Brit and I have been looking for a coffee meet up that is more appropriate for us youngsters.
20's and 30's are not young? Anything below that is kindergarten!
Come on mercury...can't you handle a real woman? You're not scared, are you?
@snessy I cant invite coz I am afraid you are up for cougar hunt..:)
No offense,but I want it to keep for youngsters(20s & 30s arent even young). Anyway,let me know your interest.
mercuryfin organizing cofffee meetup or what
why so selective of age?
and yummy, too! These youngsters are very bold!
I like your below thread
Yes I am little boy, but I'm still in my flirties!
Well this is a Good Idea.I hope this will work out.Tell us d arrangements,day and time
@snessy : Yeah. And I think You are OLD FOR ME..!
I guess I am out becuase I not in my 20's..:(
Haha.:) Well just meant to say that I had been to lots networking events,but turned out to be crowdy. Don't want it to go that way,so certainly,"intimacy" should be alive. .:)
SNM: me thinks someone is finding new ways to prey on young women...
sness, i think more like a poltergeist LOL!
LOLs!!!!!!!!!! what are you looking for a gangbang? :D
other table! Just to make sure your intimacy will not lead to anything s......!
"want to maintain the intimacy level intact between the participants."
can you elaborate more on this? Please!