Good News (For RIZKS)

This new year might bring the much awaited happiness to our dear baldy head priend..Rizks...
Experts say they have discovered what they believe is the root cause of male pattern baldness.
It is not simply a lack of hair, but rather a problem with the new hair that is made.
A manufacturing defect means the hair produced is so small it appears invisible to the naked eye, giving the classic bald spot or receding hairline.
The US team told the Journal of Clinical Investigation the fault lies with the stem cells that make new hair.
It may be possible to 'cure' male baldness by restoring the normal function of these cells, the experts hope.
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good news rizks now give us a treat in bhukhari hotel
Rizks, from now on you should start donating your Caps.... ;)
Oh You people are so helpful and Caring.
Wait lemme wipe my tears....
Look on the bright side... At least you don't need to bikini wax ....:O)
Rizks, why not start looking for Sponsors... worries... we will water your dried cells every morning and evening..:)
Rizks got no more cells left so this is useless.. LOL
Rizks must be jumping with joy and pull out the rest of his hair.
my stem cells are dried ! :(