Baby delivered, strangled and dumped in toile

A newborn boy died in the early hours on Thursday after being put in a waste bin inside a toilet at Dubai International Airport Terminal 1, Dubai Police said.
As per initial reports, an airport cleaner was called in by a woman traveller to clean up the blood that was all over the floor in a toilet.
While cleaning up the mess, the woman cleaner noticed that there was something heavy covered by tissue paper inside the waste bin.
“At around 3.35am I went to the toilet to clean up the blood around a toilet bowl. After that I decided to empty the waste bin which was covered with paper rolls. When I lifted it I found it to be a little heavier, so I got curious and started removing the tissue papers. I was stunned to see a baby all blue on the face and gasping for breath,” the cleaner said.
Can someone be so cruel? One shudders thinking as to how someone can do this to their own
Me thinks maid, me thinks raped. Anyone who doesn't come to that conclusion hasn't been living in the Gulf long enough.
This lady may have mental health problems and nobody has the right to judge her. It is so sad.
She may be sane and a victim of rape and therefore she could not bond with her unborn child.
Even if she did not want the baby, abortion is still killing a child just as much as stangling it after birth.
It is just a very, very sad story and may the little love RIP. x
a further update...§ion=theuae
Surveillance cameras have given the Dubai Police the lead to locating the African woman who delivered and strangled her baby in a toilet at Dubai International Airport Terminal 1.
The woman allegedly strangled the infant boy after severing the umbilical cord with her hands before dumping him in a waste bin and fled the country, Khaleej Times reported on Sunday.
The police has taken the necessary legal action to extradite the woman who will be charged with premeditated murder. The police, however, did not comment on the modalities, saying it was too early to talk about it.
maybe the same lady
was it the same lady who told the cleaner of blood in the toilet or could it be someone else?
why that woman did not just leave the baby on the floor allive????? even she placed the baby on the toilet floor tiles breathing then run as fast as she can.
The cleaner and others will find the tiny human on the floor then they will immediately clean up and call for rescue.....if she did that, atleast, she did 1 good thing in her life.
But killing her own blood and flesh??????GGGGRRRRR shame on her...she is human physically but behavior is worst than animals :(
Few months back they found a live baby in the trash bin inside a gulf air flight to Manila...i dont know if they traced the mother...the airlines names the baby George Francis or they found him GF flight..
So she couldn't keep the baby for a million different reasons. But then why didn't she deliver the baby and then leave it somewhere for someone to find? Why try and kill it? A baby is a baby and it's inexcusable to harm or kill one, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the birth.
The poor little thing, had she left him wrapped in a blanket then the cleaner would have found him and he would have had a chance to live a life.
Yes tinker,if she doesn't want the baby first & foremost why she waited for 9 months? I can't imagine how could some women do this..i'm not judging but i can't believe how people can become selfish,while mothers out there are willing to do everything for their child but these poor women are killing,throwing their babies because of fear,fear of not being accepted by the society & family..
If they can't take the denouement of their actions they must also think twice about having s** then..:( People do fall but doing this won't lift them up again..
I know for sure that what she did tore her apart.It's so painful for a mother to do this to her own child..
Aborting the baby & throwing it after giving birth which eventually killed the baby is the same.It's just that it's better to abort the baby while it is still blood than seeing the face of your own child grasping,longing to be hold by a mother..this is horrible.& it's been happening now..many times..
no cool... yea sometimes such news makes us loose our sagacity..
Is it possible for a pregnant woman at the last month to travel without Medical Certificate from a certified Doctor?
yea true....who am I to judge!!
Poor lady & poor child. My sympathies are with both of them. I wish if the ladies, instead of getting rid of their babies by killing them, give them for adoption is a much better option.
TB - it is avlbl. Been here long enough to know about whats avlbl and what not.
Brit...only if she really want to be a mother or if she is prepared for it...she would have such feeling... I know many woman who didn’t want kids and they had to be mothers due to family pressure...they just give birth to the kids...and they neither love them or care them...they are self obsessed and the kids are neglected !
Just because she carried a life in her womb for 9 months... not all woman get motherly feelings/attachment.. especially when the father or the child is not in picture..
I agree Shyte happens. She had other ways in front of her. Abortion is illegal in Gulf - but dont you think the required medicines/services for abortion are available on the sly?
so many imponderables here.
I am surprised at the comments from ladies here. It is not easy for any woman to give up a child she has carried. Theerfore, there must be other circumstances to consider..
As for going home... What if she is a maid, where her sponsor does not allow her to travel ?
Let's not judge before we know the full story. Even the story is misleading. The baby could have been strangled by the umblical cord getting twisted round his neck..
There are numerous cases of unwanted pregnancies... It happens all over the world..
Tinkerbell: What if she is from a Gulf country, where abortion is not available and is deemed a crime.
if she didnt want the baby in the first place, why did she have to get herself pregnant? wont happen in few mints... if she had any symptoms she could have always asked for help from airport/airline authorities..
when she realized that she is pregnant...she didnt know that she will get punished? getting punished is better than living with guilt forever...
the mom and even the child !!
Perhaps she went into labour in the airport and was unable to get help.
Maybe, she was travelling from a country where she could be punished for getting pregnant out of wedlock.
We don't know the full story. You as a mother should know how hard it must be for a woman to give up a child....
brit whatever the situation is....why did she wait for 9 months??
such news are becoming more common these days...:(
I wonder ...why the hell they wait for 9 months to kill the baby!! how can a mother do this is still beyond my understanding..
Sad indeed.
However, we don't know yet why this happened. Perhaps the mother was a teen, or had been raped or was afraid to arrive home pregnant.
I hope they find the mother soon.