relax time
Little Boy was asking his question about how he was born
Little Boy:: Dad, How wAs I Born ??
Dad: Well Son, Your Mom & I Got Together At 'YAHOO', We Setup A DateVia 'E-MAIL' & Met In a 'CYBER CAFE',Ur Mom Agreed To 'DOWNLOAD DATA' From My 'PEN DRIVE'.
Just When I Was About To 'TRANSFER', We Realised That none Of Us Had'INSTALLED' a 'FIREWALL'. It Was Too Late To Hit 'DELETE'...
9 Months Later a 'POP-UP WINDOW' appeared & said :
old joke, but still makes me smile..
the poor boy i m sure he will turn out to b a IT Professional
old one............
Yah,it wouldn't be easy to comprehend for the little boy..better tell him straight to the point..
peni drive.?
right on arecel, straight to the point! :D
lol. but that's complicated for the boy soso. why not say we had sex and that's why you're here.:-)))