Script for QL the movie

Ok here is script:
In a small country of Qatar there live some people alone without their families. Unfortunately they have limited choice of activities. One of the activity available is Qatar Living. Most of the people sit in front of their PC (like fools)and make friends without faces and mostly think themselves as legends.
The QL members are the main characters passing their time in somewhat good manner by asking questions and posting jokes, pictures and informative materials etc and in responce other members pass comments on their posts.
If a member post some thing which is already been seen by other member than he is duty bound to let other members know that he has already seen this by making comments like " Ohhhh No Not Again" " its the 100th time" " its copy paste" ets . This way they neither let the member enjoy his post nor the others who have not sren it before.
The funny part in the movie is some of the questions asked by the members and the romatic part is some pics and mature jokes posted by some innocent members.
Here the Villan makes his entry (Obviously the MODs). The Villan has always a big knife in his hands and keep cutting some beautiful pics,jokes and some comments. Yet there is varity of commedy in the movie.
The villan has his own library where he store the cuttings and after being enjoyed himself made annual sale to his close freinds.
( I have to go now. I just type whatever comes in my mind witout cheaking spell and gramer. Please feel free to amend and improve and keep the story go on)
TB...I prefer yours, I hate having to see someone walk out to go the loo in those shoddy pirate copies ;-)
Like it and agree too
Hey what the heck is this. There is a Pirate version of QL the Movie already.
My thread has been ripped off :(
no MJ.. :(
Chocoholic: I think the scene with edible chocolate may have been censored ;-)
The scene then fades back to the present....
A camel train is slowly winding it's way on the golden sands...
The camera closes in on a tanned and toned Chocoholic,who is sitting side saddle on a beautiful she-camel , whilst muching provoctively on a Cadbury's Flake and musing about her beau - Sheikh Rattle and Roll - whom she is going to visit ..
No chocolate???????
The movie opens in 2022, to the background of a modern qatar with four expatriates sitting sipping wine in an outside bar.....
First Expat - Alumnar: Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Second Expat - Snessy: Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Al?
Third Expat - Nomerci: Thee's right there, Lass. Luxury..
Fourth Expat - Timebandit: Who'd have thought 12 year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, under the shade of the new stadium watching the Aussie fans sing "Waltzing Matilda"?
On another table, two svelte and deboner ladies are deep in conversation....
Lady1 - Formatted Soul: Well the silky lingerie, perfume and whipped cream always seem to work for me..
Lady2 - Tinkerbell: Yes, but I still think most men are Ba$tards....
The scene then fades back to the present....
Because he's a man, that's why snessy! They know nothing about 'happily ever after'!!! ;)
Haha Brit...but why did you have to burst our bubble at the end??
Thanks for your post Alumnar. You have just reinforced my belief that one bad apple doesnt mean that the whole orchard is bad. I am good at ignoring ( you can ask me wife if you dont believe me ) but what took me by surprise was the Mod's action in deleting my posts even though i had mentioned nothing erotic and only had a compliment in it albeit a back handed one....anyway, looking at the bright side..i now know who the MOD is ;)
LOL Brit!!!!
One lil remark - can I please be eating 'pinoy adidas' instead of risotto? I would indeed be happier! Or a good Indian curry, aloo ghobi.... Thank you :)
The last villain part I enjoyed the most ;)
PS:Is that the pic. Of the hero at the end?
The movie opens in 2022, to the background of a modern qatar with four expats sitting sipping wine in an outside bar.....
First Expat - Alumnar: Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Second Expat - Snessy: Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Al?
Third Expat - Nomerci:
You're right there, Lass.
Fourth Expat - Timebandit:
Who'd have thought 12 year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, under the shade of the new stadium watching the Aussie fans sing "Waltzing Matilda"?
the scene then fades back to the present....
What's the nocturnal birds of prey's role in the movie?
Shapil - one racist poster in that topic doesn't mean everybody thinks the same. I for one have cut off from even acknowledging racist remarks. Why Isobel's racist post is openly allowed is beyond my compreension. I suppose she has managed to get 'contaminated' despite her 'superior' education... Please ignore if you can and think how superior you are for not responding to provocative, inflaming posts by such posters.
if no monkeys then what will they do with their peanuts...nibble themselves?:)
Leading actors are of course from the West! This will be a top class movie where monkeys are not allowed to take part.
i think you have wasted your effort in this movie only the chosen few from the right geographical location will be in the limelight and the others will drink the lime juice ;)...even the movie's bully MOD can corroborate me.
plz add in title not for families and children
....will this movie be in 3D?? :oP....