Will there be Civil War in Lebanon

Forget about Iran.. the main tension area is Lebanon at present..
A United Nations investigation into the 2005 assasination of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri is set to issue draft indictments that are widely expected that the tribunal to identify Hizbollah as the perpetrators of the crime.
In wikileaks accounts - Real scandal has been laid bare..
Elias Murr, the defence minister has been caught red-handed conspiring with the United States of America to facilitate an Israeli invasion in 2008.
The Wikileaks cables reveal how, over a two and a half hour lunch with American diplomats, Mr Murr spelt out areas that Israeli jets should hit.
He also revealed he had ordered the Lebanese army 'not to get involved in any fighting and to fulfil a civil defence role”.
The minister’s only concern was that the invading force refrain from attacking Christian areas. Attacks on Shia Muslims was 'Hizbollah’s problem’ and Mr Murr - a Christian in a Sunni-led government - hoped that the offensive would allow the army to displace the radical Iranian-backed group that is Lebanon’s strongest force.
His plan was for the Lebanese army to remain in its bases – then take over once Hizbollah’s militia forces had been defeated.
When the charges are published many believe Lebanon will face a dangerous conflagration.
Source: Telegraph
nothing much is gonna happen. The whole investigation process has been stained since the beginning....
it is not that i don't get along with them , or not sharing their ideas, or like their habits, but talking about entire country is very bad.
and i am sure that if we look through your communities,we will see what could not be classified as human beings.
Generalizing is much worse than doing the mistakes themselves.
Well edifis, I don't see Genius Indians cruising around in here as well...
No need for smart comments man, and if you trying to sound funny.. well u just don't ;)
not trying to be rude.. I am sure you get my point
Really! The Lebanese in Qatar are less dumb than in Lebanon! Oh my!...such a dumb nation...God forbid ...invasion is inevitable!
3-4 million lebs that live in Lebanon and about 16 million Lebanese people outside Lebanon.
I would not say Quality Lebs are in Qatar though, simply because the words Quality and Qatar do not resonate on many levels heheh...Plus if it is either Jobless in leb or a mediocre Job in Qatar then.. well...
But Yeah, educated smart Lebanese people are mostly outside Lebanon.
They leave the dumb idiots in Lebanon???? So they are exporting the quality Lebanese to places like Qatar???
oh dear that doesn't sound very hopeful....
Sorry for being Harsh, but they totally deserve it. Leb brains migrate out of the country leaving dumb idiots in Leb to elect pricks who can not even negotiate like normal human beings. I like democracy but even democracy could be an enemy in a place with 100 religions and sects. I say the next upcoming war should take with it many people for the future generations to have some luck in their country. (Love Lebanon, too bad this place is jinxed and ruled by monkeys)
we have two scenario here ,
1-civil war:results will be,outside involvement,a lot of blood shade,civilians hurt, returning lebanon back 50 years .
2- nothing happening: which is better because it will give Lebaneses to build themselves again and forget their wounds.
They lack many things in life. May god bless them.
-technology has been used in rafiq's death was too much advanced, and everybody said that this is not made by Syrians or whomever.
-what army are u talking about , please think again.
-i am not supporting Syria in getting involved in the Lebanese issues , because i think that they lost "politically" more than they gained.
- i am not also with Hezbollah because i think they are applying their agenda "or we can say the Iranian agenda" in Lebanon.but what do ya3ni??? give me another alternative?!
-Saudis involvement is good to give some balancing to Lebanon, but they are already having their own problems.
guys u'll get bored like shit if u talk about lebanon . politicians drink coffee with each other while their people KILL each other, damn poor country.
One Shot ..
Do you really beleive that Syria is totally out , and here i am not talking about the army , but dont you think that hizbullah , al marda , al ba3eth and many others party in lebanon are guided by syria and controled to do the syrian agenda , lets be realistic .
Second point , Hariri didnt accuse anybody and what he said was clear we dont accuse anybody until there is al karar from the court and can you please tell me who s able to do all this assasination and all this bombing in lebanon who have the capacities , and dont tell me israel :D .
That small window to commmunicate is always open from our side and its not about saying we are right . but at least we beleive in the army and the presence of lebanon not like others who s not ready to negogiate about their weapons , for a simple reason that their desicion is in syria and iran hands .
the days will show everything and you will see there is some heads will just be accused and the main criminals will not be touched . Btw review all this suicide stories and bombs that happen in syria and you will know what i mean .
Come on man , Syria now is out , why the opportunity of a civil war is opened again? rafiq alhariri death?
his son declared that syria has nothing in this , and the false witnesses also.
- with respect, why he wants to drag the area to another civil war?forget it and start a new life.
everyone in Lebanon thinks that he is right and everybody else is wrong and they don't even open a small window to communicate.
everybody is trying to apply his own ideology on the area.
if you are talking about the variety, ask about Syria and you will find that we are more various.
i hope it will not be a civil war there, enough blood shading, let them concentrate on the enemy who is waiting for them in Palestine like a vulture. :(
Saudi arabia do not help the christians Brite .
KSA support the Sunni in lebanon , and the christians is related with Sunni in lebanon to 14 March movement which beleive in free lebanon and against syria interferance in lebanon and the weapon of Hizbullah .
so its more a political relation .
Don't forget that Saudi Arabia also helps the Christians because of it's opposition to Hezbollah..
What i like the most in this topic ..
iS the comment of One_Shot ..
Trust me lebanese wouldnt fight each other as long syria and iran is not interfering in their own business . but unfortunately they are always taking a place to do things for keeping struggles for their own benefit .
Firstly, we'll see what the UN Investigation throws up.. I think there will have to be a face saving option..
do any lebanese still live in lebanon?
nobody wants this, especially Lebanese, because they knew if they did , we will spread our forces to stabilize the area for "another 30 yeas,ooops i mean days" or maybe another countries :(
unfortunately i think it is inevitable....
i wish nothing happen like that, those who want to see how wars bring destruction to a nation, they must visit Iraq and Afghanistan.
sure it will be , and i commented before i read the topic, because of this:
put three Lebanese in one room and luck on them , leave them for 1 hours , open the door again , you will find them fighting with each others