National Day Events

Hi frenz,
Have u checked out the events for the national day here?
Can you please tell me which of these events are exclusive for "FAMILY"? Coz don want to waste time trying out there and most importantly don want to be embarrassed by some craps (who doesn't know how to behave).
Want to take as many pictures as possible and dont want to miss the opportunity.
Also i want to mention here, that some days before i read in news magazine that this site is designed with state-of-the-art Latest technology and so n so.
But what my experience is that Event list was so annoying.
The entire list was in no order, Spelling mistakes("Kids Drowing"), worst and unwanted segregations.
Only thing which i like is the sketch of event locations.
Rest of the pages are good.
Concern please look into it collect feedbacks or get advise from real web developer professionals before the traffic gets so hot.
1. This is the most Prestigious Govt portal for the most reputed day of Qatar.
2. At this very moment, entire world is looking for informations about Qatar.
3. User Friendly - the most important factor to be considered wyl designing a web portal.
Lol Brit ;)
Baldrick, Timebandit..
Why don't we join up and march together.. It'll be like those WWi veterans on rememberance day.. UkEngQatar can bring his zimmer frame..
I am about the same Baldrick, there is no way I am taking my car out that day.
My house to Corniche: 10 minute walk :o)
Before heading for the Parade on the National Day, Plan your drive way of getting in and out. Better park somewhere
aside Dohaland(Musheireb) and enjoy your walk to the location.
This is what we did last year and reached home very quick with pleasant memories.
Else you have to compete with the Land Cruisers lined up there with great pride :)
Yup Baldrick I was hoping to find out what time to get down there as well. We all know what blooming day it's on.
Oh yeah, and TIMES would be useful too. I don't want to have to stand on the Corniche from 6am till 11pm waiting for the procession to go by
The interactive map keeps freezing in Firefox