Mashreq Credit card

By thedreamerz101 •
anybody knows here regarding my outstanding balance in my credit card in mashreq bank. Do I need to pay my remaining balance in my credit card if I will be terminated?
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but ive heard that maybe the bank will take my outstanding balance from my benefits. is that true?
but ive heard that maybe the maybe will take my outstanding balance from my benefits. is that true?
what most people dont understand is that there are terms and condition for Credit shield
these are some of them that I remember when i was in the bank
1. Regualar payments
2. its takes 90 days to get approved in that time you still have to pay if you miss once it doesnt work.
3. Honestly being in the credit card section you will not believe the way you get ripped off.
4. Your company has to be listed.
5. termination not because of bad behavior or anything thats your Fault
7. Credit shield is a pain in the ass.
How i manage my credit card its unbelievable.
I have not cancelled my credit shield but i have never paid for it too
how do i do tht i make my payments before the bill is made as in i make the full payments.
apply for the credit shield option.but u have to pay around 30 riyal extra for the per month
Nah, it's OK. In fact the bank will give you double your debt as a going away present.
If you were terminated by your employer and you have the credit shield option, then the insurance will pay for your outstanding. Ask Mashreq bank if you have credit shield