Qatar2022:Thanx to All..Supporters&Opposers !

By XceptionalGreat •
There were millions of silent and outspoken supporters of Qatar's Bid..
There were opponents/critics too..
Thanks to all.. as without critics Qatar would have not prepared itself for excellent presentation and campaign to win the bid..
It's historical day for the Middle East and entire Arab World..
Let's enjoy it.. Let's forget the past.. Let's forget the differences.. and give our unconditional support and contribution for the development of this young and vibrant Qatar !!
Qatar's success motivates us as an individual too..we can relate this success with ourselves.. remember the good old saying..
Where There Is A Will.. There Is A Way !!
Congrats Qatar once again..
Ice maiden, i've heard it on QL itself that the delegates of QATAR were knowing this it in advance...
Totally in Shock. Congrats Qatar
Thanks jack999 & TailChopper..
It's the victory of everyone who has sympathy with Qatar and the Middle East..
Xceptional Great you won QL battle of bids...mabrook
Congratulation Qatar... Let's all enjoy the victory
I supported you for the bid on one bashing thread, but went against certain openions of your.
Congratuations to all and you specially exceptional great. Do you like my new photo (avatar)