which indian school?

By tempted2touch2010 •
Hi QL,
I have a 3 yr 2 month old daughter and am worried now as to which school should i send her to? (preferably indian school) {no offense to anyone here, with all my respects}
what is the usual age limit for KG in Qatar? (I believe it differs from country to country)When does the new term begin here? Should we (me and my wife) take our daughter for an interview or something, well in advance? what is the procedure?
Any other guidance will be appreciated.
An anxious father!
PS:Since am the only earning member with a limited salary, kindly suggest some schools which are not so expensive.
MES is one of the worst Indian schools ever unless you are a malabari. If you are nor, by the time your kids pass out they would walk like malabaris, talk like malabaris, think like malabaris, stink like malabaris, and eat like malabaris.
No offense to the malabaris, its probably comes naturally to y'all.
DPS may be a tradeoff if you prefer economy over quality of your children's education.
Yet DESS is good a little overpriced but they sure build confident leaders willing to take on the world.
MES is one of the worst Indian schools ever unless you are a malabari. If you are nor, by the time your kids pass out they would walk like malabaris, talk like malabaris, think like malabaris, stink like malabaris, and eat like malabaris.
No offense to the malabaris, its probably comes naturally to y'all.
DPS may be a tradeoff if you prefer economy over quality of your children's education.
Yet DESS is good a little overpriced but they sure build confident leaders willing to take on the world.
hey folks...
thanx for the answers
M.E.S. and Ideal Schools are comparatively better(i mean both educationally and financially) for a middle class Indian family. So i advice any of these two.
This is a question which i faced 7 years ago.. I am just telling you what I did and what I felt is the best option... each school is special in its own way...consedering the primary school section, Birla,Ideal is considered good.. but what i did was to put my child in to the private school where they prepare the child for the actual school into first grade... here the child has fun, learns the same portions as the kg classes in school and also get to go to sleep a bit longer as these school timings are only around 8.30 am.
My child did his kg1 and Kg2 in these school and i put him for 1st grade in School. he had no problem taking the tests ment for grade 1 admissions. and is still doing well..
hope i was able to give you an idea.
if your baby crosses 3 years, then baby get admisison to KG-1, best schools are Birla public, Delhi public, Doha modern Indian school, MES and many more.
MES is the best in Qatar.