Grounds in blocking account of a QL member.

By strongerme1977 •
I just want to know the grouds for a member to be blocked in QL? If ever will the QL admin at least give a warning to the user for any offense that has been made?
Please help me find answers to these question so that i would know the do's and don'ts.
Appreciate any feedback most esp from admin. thanks.
Unfortunately, my friend's account was blocked of no reason and neither he was at least informed nor given a warning. He never bad mouth on any QL members nor uses bad words against anyone.
Sad to his account has already been blocked.. :-((
Ql and whining about getting banned.
Welcomeback lucy
MOD, is that u?!?!? under 18 also....
and you get banned just like that...try it ;P
well, Usually there is no thumb rule for banning a user, its all depend how long U'll remain a good guy, however here are community guide lines
PS: In 20months of my Qling, i never read it ;O)
well bro/sis what u should really avoid on ql is bad language and mixing things up. Admins give u several warnings tho so dont worry :)