Do you take after your parents ?
They say that children take after their parents.. What traits / appearances have you copied ??
A man finally tracked down his birth mother - to find out she is a a world-famous bearded lady.
Richard Lorenc, 33, has been reunited with Vivian Wheeler, 62, who once worked in a circus sideshow.
After six weeks of investigating, the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services put him in touch with his mother.
Ms Wheeler inherited her mother's condition of hypertrichosis, also known as werewolf syndrome, which manifests itself through the growth of excessive facial hair from a very early age.
Her father - despite being embarrassed by his daughter's condition - sent her to work in sideshows as a five-year-old girl and earning up to $1,000 a month to be sent home to her family.
Eventually she was recognised by 'The Guinness Book of Records' for having the longest beard ever grown by a female: an impressive 11 inches.
Her son Richard was taken from Vivian when he was three and was adopted at age seven.
Ms Wheeler is now considering leaving her home of Bakersfield in California to live closer to her son in Kansas.
snessy... "shake a leg"... yanni dance?
i got my dad's color, his hearty laugh and his being a frustrated singer.
They are both brunette but I am not. Good ones I got from dad are my IQ, hazel eyes, stamina and determination. Worst thing I got from dad is quick temper. Sometimes I cannot control myself.
I have my fathers vocal chords and humour ;-)
Pardon me for disagreeing, but seeing some of your posts ...
So which of your parents is the calm one ?
Yep.. Right on all counts..
Yeah Tinker, I have my father's fiery temper too...
must be a very sensitive topic for many users ;O)
Brit: I'm assuming your mother doesn't do mum goes ballistic at us, and now hubby finds it irritating especially when we're watching TV.
I swear I was shaking my leg even as I read your post...could we be related???
Damn.. You just reminded me..
My father, myself and my eldest son do the same thing.. (Right leg only).. Irritates the hell out of people..
I have more of my father's traits than my mother's...I constantly shake my leg, which most "normal" people find annoying - not only does my father do this, but so do all his brothers.
Count yourself lucky.. When I was born , my mother kept the afterbirth and threw me in the bin :O(
brit... maybe I am adopted..:)
What went wrong ? :O(
Think hard.. There must be some trait you share with one of your parents..
I have not got anything comapred to my parents..The only thing I can think of is that I am a good cook like me mom!
I dont have anything like my mom...not the look nor the personality... my mom is very beautiful and very friendly with the whole world..:)
but I am happy to be me..:)
Wish I could pull that off but sadly my mom was a housewife and I the naughtiest kid of the bunch,hence the first one she'll make sure is "safely" in school!
FathimaH how many times did you call your school telling them that your daughter is sick :P
Wow bearded lady..
we have identical "distinguished" voices. In fact even as a kid I could trick her friends who call her into believing it was actually my mom they were talking too! Physically we are told I resemble my mom most too..that's all I'm gonna admit too!
Anger runs in our family.. We have inherited that for sure
lol brit, not the boots... :P
more on the physical attributes, I'm like her younger version.. :)
I am picturing a dear lady with red boots :O)
What traits / mannerisms ?
For example, lately, I've realised that i laugh just like my father..
yes I take after my mom... :)
That's weird..but why doesn't she just shave it off? Anyways purely from a personal point of view I believe I take after my parents far more than I would openly admit!
What traits / appearances have you copied ??
My bald head....:(
Thanks Paa.