How far its true...

By Deal_4_wHeel •
Are some Qler's being paid for qling, to keep the forums active 24/7.
Some qlers (i wont display name) are badly & madly sticked & addicted to the QL all the times.
Ql is hijacked by a group or mafia, or mods themselves playing role.
is Ql forums favourable for copy/pasters, no as such creative work seen by any of the member.
Many members with duplicate and even triplicate id'ss trying to sustain their kingdom!
These things are not good for QL atmosphere!
I am getting paid to be in love with the unknown.
QL is a microcosm of the real world. It comprises , good, bad, stupid, clever, racist, bigoted, straight, gay etc etc
So, in such an environment, one has to make allowances for others and listen to / accept the differences.
and what are you doing here???????????????
sure but you would not like to comment even if u like the stuff, but astonish to see with both eyes open!
can U copy paste here those post that made fire in ur arse?
what to do :( i m allergic to stupid people on QL, i would never like the forum goes far to that extent of stupidity!
I am getting paid a pittance for keeping QL going. Can I ask for a rise when the new labour laws come into force ?
Damn those pesky Indo-Pak & pinoy users! Hey you Indo-Pak & pinoy users what the hell do you think you are doing here on QL.
It does appear that some of the Qlers are qling for a living............again I won't mention names.
Radical QLrs? Pray tell us who are these terrorists!Jokes apart though D4W as long as it keeps QL alive and interesting why worry?It takes all types...tolerance is everything =)
so where are you from Mister? Are you part of it? If not the answer is out there somewhere
we got a racist here now
There was a time when ql had friendly atmosphere with existance of mixed race!
but nowadays its being overflowed by Indo-Pak & pinoy users ...
it may b ur view.. ok thn wat r u expecting thn...
LOL (at) QL has mafia...
i agree
cryspy, u shouldn't say that, coz ur post are not more than a bulshyt! copycat, looser!
What's your problem then?
its always nice to see, sometimes dumb Qlers start posting
i dont need any appreciation from dummy minds, what i do create or post is just to share the info!
OP, you are absolutely wrong in all your assumptions..Kindly come out of it..
Sorry I was asleep, just woken up and wow so many posts. What do you mean people with multiple ID's?
I am being paid must confess. Thanks for exposing me. I advise QL on Construction matters and they pay me.
What creative post by you didn't get appreciation?
For your various questions?
Ok..You can name those active QLers...We won't mind at all..
why dont you just stick to cars and not bother about the rest of the stuff in QL?
Soooo people who post in QL a lot are a bad thing? Isn't that what keeps forums going?
who hired U for spying? :P