What is happening in Qatar?

Ok the site is called Qatar Living. There are loads of people complaining that QL sucks these days and is full of copy and paste. So.... without copy and pasting something, what can you offer as a contribution to a thread discussing what is happening in Qatar right now.
I will open with the roads. Regardless of the slating that the roads get, I think in the short time I have been here there has been significant improvements.
What else is there, oh yes activities. I am blown away by the sheer volume of interesting things that come to Doha. There is the Bryan Adams concert next month, and I read in the Gulf Times (not copy and paste) that the boating F1 Grand Prix will be on the Corniche on Saturday. Just look at all the sporting attractions in the last month.
Right well there are some openers.
LIS, let me check with my housemates and will get back to you.. lol :P
she has been warned! do you need a ticket by any chance? :0)
mj are you going to stage the event at your place? i will bring some plastic sheets, just incase!
LOL WK, will check availability.. :P
LIS: I feel sorry for your wifey, the after effects of your "happening" evening isn't gonna be pretty...
MJ should we hold it at your place?? :(
Lol! I love this post! 2 funny!
what is new?
Yeah...arecel ... imagine... :)
i will be very happy if qatar wins... ohhh, imagine the chaos:-)))
Lol ... by the way it is going I feel Qatar will win it...
jack, if qatar loses, then we will cheer for australia, hehehehe...
lol TB.. :P
WK they are not holding it in my apartment!!
Ok so here it is..
*Drum Rolls*
Egg roll alcohol contest
Venue & place- TBA
Thanksgiving.... This always reminds me of Planes, Trains & Automobiles
What a film
arecel...lol and if Qatar loses the bid... they will charge for everything ...lol
That has been noted in my risk assessment :0)
Rizks i was thinking of taking the shells off but i guess after the alcohol it wont really matter.
mj you have complimentary tickets!
yay LIS, let me know when and where it's gonna be and I will be there with my pom-poms to cheer you on! :)
Your on! now who is taking bets?
hmm, thanksgiving tomorrow.... this Thursday is a sports-themed one for me, so no dinner.. :(
anybody here celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow? i would like to invite myself:-))))))
Nope... Cool Hand Luke
one week after, on dec 2, paloma will host the World Cup 2022 announcement. free drinks for the ladies after 11PM onwards. if qatar wins the bid, there will be free drinks for all for 45 mins. no entrance fee for everyone..lol..
LIS how about a competition???
I bet I can eat more eggs while drinking my body weight in alcohol :P
Wasn't it slow hand Luke who did 50
OMG, that is just too much to digest,.. I feel sick already just by reading it... but I would like a ticket to witness this event.. :P
50 boiled eggs ?:(
is it with Shells or w/o ? :(
You will be testing your loo the next day buddy ;)
Im known for testing my body to the extreme!
Both challenges at the same time LIS?
On Thursday I am going to try and get an entry into the guiness records by drinking my own body weight in alcohol and eating 50 boiled eggs without throwing up. Tickets will be available when i can find someone willing to stage the event! :0)
mj .... yeah.... I think it will be 5pm when it happens... :(
jack, still??? should be over by now..dinner's next on my agenda... :P
BDSA... what did you have for your lunch?
Lunch is still on my AGENDA :(
Take your time
tired argue with u tb.............I will comeback after few mnts (out 4lunch)
Give freedom 4others!!!!!!!!
Ahhh so you were having a pop bdsa... well in that case apology withdrawn.
Tb r u a female who in QL work in comment reader & editer office ? or what ? ........................
Give freedom for others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And depending on gender... breakfast as well ;)
TB Photography Competition
winner get a day and night out with TB ;)
aiite TB.. les start ths agn.. u went off the hook..
lemme start.."QL - SUCKS"
Well in that case bdsa I owe you an apology, which I now extend with earnest. I honestly thought you were having another pop.
The point is that there are loads of people saying QL Sucks these days, yet never offer anything much themselves. They complain that the topics are boring and are always copy and paste.
So I created this thread to discuss the forums main topic (Qatar), current (what's going on), and without any cut and paste.
The idea was to see how many of the people who complain all the time come and contribute to the thread that they have been asking for.
lol.. jackie..
Sure brit, marked 29th April in my calendar already..
Heading to the book fair today
TB... Oh!........ I....... see
BDSA.......... my dear?
My Dear... timebandit?
My Dear....jackmohan?
yea, BOOK FAIR!!!! im planning to go tomorrow, see if there's some interesting ones.. :D
any suggestions? (lol. sorry for the hi-jack)
I really don't get ur point u/
Today will be the opening of Doha International Book Fair 2010. Which I guess the only chance to find decent books in Qatar after the recent downgrade of bookshelves at Virgin Megastore.
The bookfair would be held at Qatar International Exhibition Center
brit, sure... :)
JM, BDSA was referencing the fact that I have asked her what her point was in the past.
World Champion Wake boarder Duncan Zuur is coming to Qatar to host a workshop for "serious" wakeboarders ONLY.
If you would like to join in this workshop please register your name by calling 55861452 - places are LIMITED so call early, only a few spots left.
After the workshop all wake boarders will go out on the boats for some real wake boarding fun, followed by a Big Air wake board competition in front of Parcel 4 boardwalk.
and the event
A Big Air jumping competition for wakeboarders living in Qatar to show off their skills in front of the crowds on the Pearl Island.
If you have got what it takes to do some cool jumps off a kickers then register you name to enter the competition by calling 55861452.
After the competition Duncan Zuur will perform a showcase stunt!
Spectators are welcome to join in the excitement - Free Entrance
Are we invited ?
Fun Drive, will miss this one as I got something planned on Friday already..
TB ..... BDSA was asking your point....
BDSA... its about 2046 as of now...
We could all get together and watch it on TV and have a party to boot ..
Ahhh.. yes.. that... I think I am busy that day
I got a special invite from the Queen :)
Yay Brit! And it's a bank holiday too...who knows you may be one of the lucky 100 to be invited...
Brit it's not happening in Qatar :(
Tell me, tell me, tell me Brit, what is the big event and can I bring a friend?
Can I just pop in and say that the Big Event of the Decade will take place on April 29 and you are all invited ................................
bdsa be a good girl, go back to the top of the thread and read the topic again. Then after you understand what the point is (which everyone else has managed to do), come back down here and comment again.
Tb what is your point ????????????????
in your case...close up is jus not enough.
Hey Baba, I am using Close Up tooth paste. I've healthy teeth ;)
Thanks Khanan ;)
Great... more real information is making its way through the fog of chit chat...
But would QL be the same without that chit chat?
It's trying hard to level with developed countries.
aye yao designer... he is a dentist.. try fixin an appointment wid him..
to Inland Sea with Arab Motors on coming Friday.
Read More :
Dude, whoz this Mohammed Ali??
They are only man boobs snessy, I can get that sorted honest.
TB, you really have turned into TLS
wot's going on???
mmmmm gravy... :P
you lucky bugger.. Enjoy your nap !
Wow... the canteen had something different for a change. Some nice lamb chops, vegetables, rice and gravy.
Oh I am so, so, so, sorry... I came over all Lucyish
OK...roads, sports, books, food ... I would like to know whats new on mens hair salon scene in Doha... I need to visit one soon.
speaking of Lunch, better place my order now or else our lunch will be late again.. :P
There you go..
Another great snippet.. LUNCH!
What are you having ??
Yes MJ, I was talking about the Exxon Mobil opens..
TB, ATP is for Association of Tennis Professionals..which is a body holding men's events.
"QL Sucks"...is a word I have been hearing it since 2007...the time I joined
...before 2007 it was even more lonely...
around 2007 there were a lot of active members .... but after 2007 - 2008 there have been very few active members...
How many active members are there now 10? 20? 30?
At least somebody is posting something? Because of that Google gives QL a higher rating based on the data being updated.....?
Anyway... today my agenda is LUNCH.... lol
aiite...johnny depp is in doha...and women are least bothered..
ths is whut happens in doha.
Perhaps it's a new page in Qatar's history.
the Book Fair sounds interesting...
did you just wake up?
hehehe ... morning everyone ..
TB... I have been hearing this tag line "QL sucks, there is nothing interesting etc etc " since I joined... I just pose the question "whom are you waiting for, why dont you do the honors"... the said QLer keeps silence for a few months which I think is spent into finding something original/ intellectual/interesting to post but when run the search string may be find that it would be a duplicate post and gets unnerved and comes back complaining and the saga continues...lol
i think ishi is speaking about asian Cup Games....... but i am waiting for Bid Result hope so we will get it by this dec.....
Along with reading Books you ladies will dance also ?:(
And Free drinks too....:(
Tats not right !:(
lol tinks, I got enough Kingsmill in my kitchen.. :P now don't make another left turn TB.. :P
FA... about time too... I need a new shirt.
Bollywood meets Hollywood at the Pearl Lounge! Enjoy current and classic Bollywood hits mixed with a touch of House, R&B, and memorable Pop expertly mixed by top Indian DJs.
Date: 11/27/2010 Venue: Doha Marriott
Risks bcos its ladies night...
Just read in the news paper, that QAPCO broke the Guinness World Record for the largest T-Shirt ever made..
My goodness... it looks like I am being proved wrong... there is some information filtering through here...
FS, why free drinks for ONLY Ladies ? :(
you forgot the change in weather ;-), or was that the topic for yesterday's discussion> ;-)
Book Fair starting from today at the Exhibition Centre..
Unlimited free drinks for all ladies with music from Doha’s finest DJs at intercon after 10 :00 PM..For more details call 4484-4444 or 4484-4936.
Sarod Jugalbani (Indian Classical Music) at Doha Cinema today at 8:00 PM
Mmmmmm Kingsmill Bread....
Rizks..are they serving Chikken Chukka, & Mutton Chukka also...?
Rishi, are you referring to the Exxon Mobil Open?
what is happening in Qatar? hmmm let's see... I spy, malls, malls, malls, oh and did I forget to mention, more malls? :P
What's ATP?
As I suspected... no big rush. Lets see how much interest there is in this sort of thread and judge for ourselves why the current posts are the way they are.
i am looking forward to the ATP matches starting 3rd jan next year..
a mallu friend of my is going to open a hotel which will be servin Karak chai and Oily Porotas....:(