this all about girls, version 2...

girls are very special one created by god....
who makes us think who is this goddess...
there are millions of flowers around the world,
but there is no flower as beautiful as a girl...
after she becomes your girlfriend...
then things changes....
if you prace her, she think you are lying, if you dont, you are good for nothing....
if she talks, she want you to listen, but if you listen she want you to talk....
if you kiss her, you are not a gentleman. if you dont, you are not a man...
if you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp. if you dont, you are not understanding....
so simple...
so complex...
so complicated...
sooo beautiful.....
what if.......
what if the girl who made for me came to my life after my marriage?
what if i realize that the girl i marry is not the one who is made for me?
what happens is...
we think this is the one who is made for me.
then after marriage, we realize i got the wrong one.
then we think another girl is the one who is made for you...
like this way... girl keeps on changing...
without getting the right one....
supeesh...defenitely god made someone in the world...who is born only for happy.....she will come to you...
dear Betty
If the reltionship based on honesty and frankness that would be the most wonderful bond which they committed indirectly not to betray each other's trust and confidence.
i am fed up with some one telling me " I LOVE U"
bcoz i hear only sound....
i dont feel any love..........
there are lots of girls who come and goes...
i am looking for some one who comes and never go..
who stays with me till the end...
i mean my END...
not the form's end........
supeesh.. wot said is right.. but one thing i must say if a girl says i love you.. they really mean it.
A girl may be like a rose but she also has the thorns that cut :0(
hi supeesh , are you still think that all the girls are similar...............dont you met anyone who changed your vision towards girls?
i know britexpat...
no one have the guts to admit it...
so leave it....
sorry girls...
it was just a search in ql...
i thought someone in ql will be special...
you mean world piece.....
its very simple....
if there is no girl in this world then..........
there will not be any fight for the girl....
there will not be any fight between friends who love same girl...
there will not be any issue in between families because of love marriage...
there will not be any crime...
there will not be any show off to impress any girl..
there will not be any need for expensive gift for girls.
every one will be happy and in peace...
since no one will be interested in anything......
You are not wrong. Many don't just want to admit it...
Go in peace brother !
ok friend......
i think i am wrong....
i think there are only two of us who had bad experience...
then its fine...
Brit..Obama is handling World peace you please stick to Ramada Parking Lot.
if ths is the version 1.. i wonder whut woul be the version 3..
I think stupeesh finally gets the point, now only if he can stop posting everything like he's posting poems! Every time i see his replies i think he's posting a poem!
britey for world peace, i have some white piegons i can lend you....:(
Will tat be ok ? :(
LOL ...
OK.. So, how exactly are we going to address the issue of world peace...
once a friend told me....
i am the happiest married man in the whole world...
i was shocked...
i asked him what made you say that..?
he said..
its a simple trick...
i think about the big big things and let her decide the small small things...
so that there is always peace and happiness...
i got confused...
and asked him to explain...
he said...
i deal with life's more important issues like world hunger or nuclear wars......
she will decide the small small things like..
food, cloth, money management, etc...
no heart feelings girls...
i am sorry if i hurt you in anyways...
britey i swear to GOD, i dont know who is Hadron Collider and why he want to bang you ? :(
Rizks dont worry about what to comment to that..just answer in yes or no...and you can do it by shaking your head where ever you are sitting right now :P
So, do you think that the Hadron Collider will be able to recreate the big bang and will we be able to get enough anti-matter for the new propulsion systems ?
supeesh you bloody basket ! :)
we have better things in life to discuss man.
Supeesh stop being a w a n k e r now and lets deal with life's more important issues like world hunger or nuclear wars!
hii britexpat....
every girl who argued here proved that they are one from the basket.....
there way of response shows that....
is there any one from outside the basket??
no one dare to say...
"i will prove that i am not like what you think about girls"
girls are all the same........
supeesh, we have opposing views so just leave it at that... stop trying 'coz it won't work with me..
mj was taught never to speak to strangers..
when i was born...
i was alone...
every one was stranger to me....
including my parents...
then i got my parents...
if you stay away from strangers, then you will be alone in this world....
each and every friend you have now was once a stranger to you...
am i right mj??
sure tinkerbell...
i will change my outlook if i met at least one girl who is not like what i said...
i will put you all in the same basket till some girl prove me that i am wrong...
i think if i carry on on this topic...
i will make lots of enemy than friends........
and no one other than britexpat had the guts to share the truth...
other man know what i told here is truth. but they dont agree. because they want girls to think that they dont think like me towards the girl...
you are a stranger to me so I don't need to prove anything to you... and I will say it again, YOU ARE A STRANGER...
you have to prove mjamille..
to stop putting all the women in the same basket..
all the girls i have met is like what i said..
show at least one girl who is different...
then i will change what i have said...
hi tinkerbell....
hi betty...
if you think you are not like what i said here...
then why dont you prove yourself...
than just keeps on telling not all girls are same...
if you think you are different then you must prove it..
than just.......
It's OK.. I'm learning to deal with it. Thanks for your understanding..
and we need to prove you wrong, because???
I'm so sorry... My bad... :-(
brit,stop fishing at the shallow part of the sea.
when ever i say some truth about a girl...
other girls will ever like it..
they always say that not all girls are like what i say.
they always say that i got the wrong girl...
i have only one question....
can any one help me to get the right girl?
can any prove me that i am wrong...?
just a single girl is enough to change the attitude towards the girl...
any of the girl who think that you are not like what i wrote here can prove me that you are different?
take it as a challenge...
Why do I always hook the Piranhas :O(
hush brit. move forward. there are multifarious fishes in the ocean as they say. you just have to look & select for the right one.
supeesh,why do you think some girls behaved like that in the first place?
ha ha ha...
you must be newly married....
or newly got a girlfriend...
or newly in love with a girl...
just wait and see what happens after one year...
Point proven.. You just opened up n old wound and brought memories flooding back ..
Woe is me :O(
Hehehe guys seems you all have problems with girls :D
we will never reach the point to understand them well , but for every girl there is a way to know how to deal with .
it's your cuban girl again?
may i ask why you left your girlfriend and look for someone????
whats the reason behind it??
may be you also experienced some sort of hurting in some other form...
think about it and share...
thank you very much britexpat for telling the truth................
i was afraid that i was the only person who experience such heart breaking situations and memories....
so you see mjamille...
let the man tell about their view...
i am not the only one who say so..
exactly sherqa...
write your comment....
then forget....
thats all...
when ever i say something....
it is not because of just one girl...
its because of 90% of the girl i have met...
sorry mjamille...
when ever i say some about a girl...
no girl agrees that...
only another man say tell you its true or not in their case...
so please wait till some man say that i am wrong...
sorry if i hurt you.
with all respect towards a women..
its just what i learned from my own experience.
so prove me otherwise to change my view...
You are right.. Girls have a habit of hurting us. Tearing us apart and leaving scars ..
Just when we think we are healing, they do it again :O(
Girls !
it's high time you stop putting all the women in the same basket.. :|
supeesh,i beg to disagree's all depend on psychological maturity.find someone then who has the same wave length as yours so you stop whining about 'girls' with that personality.
another thing i noticed is......
when ever they hear something....
they just react to it...
they will start advice towards us.....
without knowing anything about what they hear...
after some times if we ask why you are shouting?
what happened to you...
then they will explain...
i know this is happening thats why i shouted...
thats why i am angry...
thats why i told you so... etc etc...
but when we explain the real thing to them...
they will say...
ohh i am soo sorry...
i thought something else...
please forgive me....
then they will be like a child and show more love and affection than before...
each and every word they said will hurt our heart a lot..
and that will remain in our heart for no reason...
those who are married will understand this better than any one else...
lls. cause women likes attention & it is very natural for women for loving attention.try to be sensitive sometimes guys.more often than not,we also just wanna talk and express our feelings,to know what's on your minds.
thank god....
if you do that...
she might have done more than what i have wrote her....
once if a girl hates someone, then its very difficult to change that....
even if she dies then also she will keep hating you.........
do you ignore your girlfriend?
i never did that...
when ever i cared a lot...
she used to say... i know how to take care of myself...
Keep going supeesh, I need all the information I can get.