Beware - Hunt is on for Radioactive Mouse!

Please be very careful.... If it glows ... Run.. or catch it and sell it to Al-Qaeda..
US authorities are on the hunt for a radioactive mouse living in the grounds of a historic nuclear weapon production plant.
Radioactive mouse droppings were discovered in the grounds of the Hanford nuclear plant in Washington state.
It comes two weeks after a radioactive rabbit was captured on the same site, reports the Tri-City Herald.
Hanford workers have set about 60 mouse traps, but the two mice that have been caught so far were not contaminated.
The mouse and rabbit droppings were found in the same area, leading contractors who are cleaning up the area to believe that the animals ate or drank a common source of radioactive contamination.
The Washington State Department of Health said it does not believe there is any danger to the public.
LOL @ britexpat...your sarcasm is well appreciated...good to know my poem had more half life than i thought it would....should i direct you to tolstoy's writings about mohammed this time??
LOL @ britexpat...your sarcasm is well appreciated...good to know my poem had more half life than i thought it would....should i direct you to tolstoy's writings about mohammed this time??
If he's suffering from radiation then he must only have a half-life...
if that happens in america, imagine what iran has already?
everyone thought the mulla had a glow about him during friday wasn't a heavenly halo, he just absorbed so much radiation...
They may need a bigger/stronger mouse trap now Tinks ;)
:p , cheers guys
lol Arien
U must be one of the scriptwriter :P
Shhhhh.. its a public forum ;)
Tinker - waiting for the sun to set :(
Or maybe Mouse-Kat in Oman, or Iratq :-p
Lol. dont waste your time discussing on the radio active problems. The core issue is who and where the rat came from.
Mr O will soon get an intelligence report confirming the rats are from either afghan , iraq or Iran may be and he will decide to send troops there since its a threat to the whole world and countries who has N-bases.
cryspy, i assume the director imagined a controlled beam of gamma radiation focussed on the DNA strings of the sperm cell and came out with a new juxtaposition of molecules resulting in a mutated cell..
possible in theory...:)
Radioactive and Biology???
U know nothing about Big Dog, He's good in proving anything.
all these stories of jene mutation by radioactive radiations are nothing but imaginations of the hollywood movie directors...they make such movies and entertain the crowd, no harm in that. but, all this crap shouldnt get into the biology classroom.
as a matter of fact, the radiation destroys the body's ability to produce motile sperms...and men lose their virility.
On the other hand Gamma radiation also mutates - as in The Hulk :O)
U need to watch few Hollywood series :P
There will be an actual Godzilla soon :(
brit, i wonder how long will they survive if they have such radioactive materials inside them. soon, they would all lose their body hair and their eyesight.
gamma radiation damages cells to a great extent. alpha and beta are harmless.
Perhaps they should use "mouse code" to send a message to them..
wow... now animals will have a war !!
to best detect the whereabouts of such rodents, one needs to carry a dosimeter which will show the level of radiation in 'roentgens' on the apparatus.
if you are too close to the rat, the display will show it digitally.
we can't see the radiation as the electromagnetic waves are not in the visible spectrum of light.
Definitely something NOT to be taken on their Bunnymoon..
Will make their Hare, sorry, HAIR, stand on edge :-p
I wonder what the ladies would think about a Radioactive Rabbit :O)
Your observation will surely prompt Apple to release the new 'iTrap', with 2, 4 or 16 mouse storage capacity.
Or how about the 'iTrap Shuffle', which only slightly injures the mouse so it walks with a limp.
You would think that there would be a better option than just old fashioned mouse traps..
Tom would be the best option to catch that Jerry.