How Iraqi's hid their latests >>>
After the end of Iraq's defeat ... And took years for the Americans in search of modern fighter aircraft MiG (model 23, 25 and Sukhoi others) Msjawa desert. But they did not have access to the fighters or bombers .. Or aircraft seized by Iraq from Iran.
Americans modern technology failed ;), over the years in the discovery of secrets kept by Iraqis.
just sharing an opinion.
beginning of WMD ;O)
I should say that it was a mistake in connecting Bin Laden for 9/11 because the FBI lack concrete evidence for that. It is included in America's 'most censored' news revealed entitled “FBI says, ‘No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11’” Ed Haas, Muckraker Report, 6/6/06
Well American technology dismantled their entire fighting force in a matter of days :)
You always find what you really want to ....
the thing to understand here for Sensible Ones! it took about 6,7 years to find those burried aircraft... do you guys think finding bin laden would be a piece of cake for them ;b...
They oxidate.
Aircraft don't rust in the desert.....
gudone that are rusty LOL
So, this is where the Americans got the technology for thei new fighter ..
i guess.
Mr.M Old is GOLD..
I have seen those pics before,those rusty aircraft buried in the desert.This is old stuff.