Your First Computer

Laptop designer honoured with Duke of Edinburgh prize
The creator of the world's first laptop has been given a lifetime achievement award by the Duke of Edinburgh.
Bill Moggridge has been named the winner of the 2010 Prince Philip Designers Prize.
The GRID Compass was designed in 1979
This was one year before I bought my life changing Sinclair ZX-80 (The predecessor of the ZX-81 and ZX Spectrum)
When I told my friends back in 1980 that I had ordered a computer they thought I was joking. Like me they pictured a room full of equipment and white coats whenever they heard the word computer. There were few schools in the the UK that had computers, and no one I knew, had ever heard of a home computer.
What was your first computer? How old were you when you first used a computer?
in 1991, MS-DOS, "Basic" programming language.. that was fun..
MS-DOS was the operating system. I have a bunch of collection of micro-floppy diskettes back home.
I was a first year high school then. Every class schedule in computer was exciting. Sorry, I can't remember the model or the specs of the computer we were using at University of Southern Philippines (USP), Cebu City, Philippines. That was the time I started to dream to pursue a computer science course in college but I didn't make it because the tuition fees was very expensive at that time.
The one computer that I liked was the one that had green screen.... I guess it was earlier than the monochrome screen...
JM a green screen is monochrome
What is computer ? I am still Using Type writer .LOL
I started with a 286... in College... early 1990s. They had 286s, 386s and one 486 where they used to store all the mark list of the students.
Only I could hack into the system to check out everybody's marks even before it was put on the notice board....
The one computer that I liked was the one that had green screen.... I guess it was earlier than the monochrome screen...
Used the first one in 1993 when they introduced computer classes in school....oh I hated it so much. I was among those who were praying that all computers would crash in Y2K :-)
Nope Brit.... I don't remember the make of our first calculator. I say our calculator because it was the family calculator purchased by my dad and used by us all (back when they were very expensive). But I don't remember the year or make.
Do you remember the first calculators with reverse logic from Texas Instruments ??
Good times :O)
A TRS-80.... I really, really wanted one of those. Still do as a mater of fact. Would love to have one for old times sake. I used to borrow one every now and again back in 1980, but couldn't afford one as I had only just left school. The ZX-80 was the extent of my budget. The TRS-80 had a whopping 4k of memory, with a whole 1k dedicated to maths processing. My ZX-80 couldn't even think and display at the same time, so whenever it was running code the screen would go blank.
ba dum bum
lol brit
Did they have radio Shack in the 1880s ?
I was in college, early 80s, had to learn to write programs for elementary school students on a Tandy (Radio Shack) TRS-80
lol, those things were obsolete before I ever graduated and got into a classroom
386 DX, some 150MB HDD, Windows 3.11, Micro & Mini floppy drive (July 1993)
Comodore 64 in 1985/86.
Brit Linux is indeed Unix, thus you are correct. But Unix is hardly ever heard of these days, and so I would have excepted Linux in place of Unix. MS-DOS is indeed the Grand Daddy of Windows 7 and I accept that MS-DOS still lives with Windows 7. And of course Apple OS is..... well I have no idea what the latest flavour is, because I don't have an apple.
Yes I know there are other specialist Operating Systems out there, but these are the three core domestic OS's.
My first home computer was a Intel Pentium IV 256mb ram and 80gb hard disk with a 15inch CRT monitor! Used that baby for a good 4 years. First time on a computer was when i was 18 :P
Interesting question.. Could the answer be :
Apple OS, Unix and MS-DOS ?
I think Brit trumps me with 1977, but I do remember 8" floppy disks. And man they really were very floppy. I remember my company taking receipt of our first 5MB hard drive. And I remember having to place a frozen milk carton on my ZX-80 to keep it cool.
was my first computer..back in early 90s
1995 I did my Aptech computer course..Boot system with floppies was required...DOS :)Black screen... :)blinking cursors...
TB, well, little, yeah ok... just don't rub it in.. :(
MJ you are still a little angel ;)
1980? I was a little angel then.. :P
The 1980's was an interesting decade for computers. In the first half, every brand was a unique piece of hardware running almost unique operating systems.
I enjoyed using all the different flavours of technology that were around. It was an exciting time. However in the second half MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) started to become a standard. This was unfortunate in some respects because it was not the best available at the time.
Now there are only really 3 flavours. 10 points to anyone who can name them.
My first computer was also a Comodore, back in 1978. The first computer I worked on was an IBM 370/158 back in September 1977. It was big, Blue and the chiller to keep it cool was the size of a living room ..
Great memories :O)
First used it when I was in 6th standard back in 1993
I was in high school when I first got to use the computer, had computer subject in school back then.. :P
Ah... I see there are still problems with images in posts.