Ladies - Please help your man live longer !

Ladies - Finally, a proven way to not only keep your man, but also help him livbe longer.........
So, no more excuses please. Our health is at stake..
Italian medical researchers carried out a series of studies as part of the conference, and found that a healthy sex life means fewer cardiovascular problems for men.
Dr Emmanuele Jannini, coordinator of the research, said: "What was evident from the research was that men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer.
"Increased sexual activity produces more testosterone, which leads to less depression and a better cardiovascular performance which means an improved metabolism."
She added that the study had shown a poor quality sex life could also lead to depression.
Dr Jannini added that an increased amount of testosterone produced during sex was good for men because it burned off excess sugars and reduced the risk of heart disease.
She added: "People who have diabetes especially benefit from a healthy sex life and an active sex life also helps avoid prostate problems for men."
Source: Telegraph
Pikey is back with no comments.. :P
haha Pikey..Are you trying to tell us something?
Is it that all the above study is shyte and the real strength comes from Guinness?
I have seen that poster in a number of Pubs across the Uk..:)
Glad to see you back even with No Comments.
you are back Pikey
More fool them ;-)
Lol snessy, probably they don't know this method :-P
drmana: I remember there were some women fasting last month for their husbands to live a long life, wouldn't this be way more fun? :-)
Italian research = Berlusconi funded ???
Brit, I thought it was a common sense that any form of exercise is good for health for both the genders :-)
For me it is killing me :(
If you knew about this WHY oh WHy didn't you let the ladies know .... :O(
Anyway - Case proven !
sness, WK will try harder next time LOL.. ;)
Okies I got it..... just another dance routine...
Phew you people confused me with scientific terminology :(
One more useless research. It was a known fact since ages.
oh tinks sure, anytime.. ;)
I have such great friends :(
no worries WK, will make arrangements for the funeral.. :P
I am about to die, HELP ME someone :(
jack, ask Will Smith.. -- "gettin' jiggy with it, na na na na na na na.. " :P
Excuse moi...... whats "jiggy jiggy"?..duh.....
Some kind of a dance?
That very well may be the case, who knows and who gives a damn now :-P
shooting blanks huh? you do know what that term refers to right :P
Aye Snessy need to get jiggy jiggy again so I have just posted a new thread after your advice..:)
Who y'all calling air rifle? Just coz I mostly shoot blanks, don't mean I'm never loaded :-P
True we are in agreement that Colt is still a air riffle :P
You plonker..
How many times have I told you NOT to argue in your underwear....
Smoke: not you, I'm sure you know what you're doing :-P
Pikey: for the sake of your own health, you need to get jiggy and quite often, please save yourself!!
UK: well laughter is such a turn off, stop doing that in a marriage ;-)
Smessy who you calling "inexperienced" men?
Senessy that's the problem there is hardly anything to argue about and even if we start it ends in a laughter. Now there must be something that would make us argue and then the make up as you suggested.
Ok all you ladies out there.. How does your husband/bf irritate you that you end up arguing with him..:)
brit, you think so? :P
Try this.. Argue a little.
Leave the room. Recover your composure. Go dress provocatively. Come back. Say sorry , with those fluttering eyelashes and voila..................
As easy as that ..
mj: You'll go to heaven :O)
well sness, we never argue at all, but still make out.. :P
Aye Aye.. I guess I understand where I went wrong. The sheila never gave me enough which tore us apart.
Now that is a study for a married men right. What about the single ones like us. What should we do. As I am so afraid of sleeping with someone else wife..:(
and also cuffs :-P
UK: I suggest you go home right now, have a full on argument and then passionately make up...
Brit: You have said enough today, The more inexperienced men are freaking out, please read the red meat thread.
Bubbly: I hope you feel better soon, I feel your pain, I've been ill since last week too :-(
i agree snessy! thumbs up to that girl! :)
How true .. Especially if it involves oils, massage and some lace ...
Thats the problem Snessy We never argue? :(
I agree with your views FS :-)
For all the couples who are arguing, remember the fun part is the making up...
I have been ill for a while now bubbly and their is no remedy in sight for my illness? It is so confusing :(. Wish you well my friend I hope you feel better soon..:)
ukeng, you too sick? whew! i'm home lying on my bed having this crazy fever. :(
UK, don't ask me that question. :/
u always fall in love with the same woman again and again..Ohh..
you crazy? that is the same mouth she kisses my baby goodnight with :-P
P.S. I don't have kids :-))
bubbly me too..:(
reading everything here makes me more sick. :/
if you really love your wife, then the answer is yes.
Are you back on your love topic ??
Yes, you can. I do it with Mrs Expat regularly ... Fall in love that is :O) am no expert in the subject..its just my view on my life..:) to each his own!!
You can fall in love with the same woman again and again?
Aye Aye FS...I think I've just seen you in a new light and I like it...:-)
The study is valid , so join the fun ;)
yes Tinker... if it doesn’t will be for the sake of it...and it wont be the same...
Colt why you guys don’t find lust in your wife? There are many men who lust their wife… wives also should take lil effort to keep the lust going..:)
Well I can't say.. All I can do is give the following example....
A chocolate loving woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office.
After his checkup, the doctor called the wife into his office alone. He said, "Your husband is suffering from a very severe stress disorder. If you don't do the following, your husband will surely die."
"Each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant at all times. For lunch make him a nutritious meal. No nagging. And most importantly, make love with your husband several times a week. If you can do this for the next 10 months to a year, I think your husband will regain his health completely."
On the way home, the husband asked his wife. "What did the doctor say?"
Munching away on a Ferrero Rocher, she replied - "He said you're going to die," :O(
Love don't live here anymore... LUST is "in" now :-P
oh FS, I'm with you on that one..
UKEng... I agree..:) but as Brit said.... if that can make both the prtners happy and have a peaceful home...why not??
so you guys want it ALL the time? lol ...if you are in love everything thing comes naturally without asking...:) If you can get it without any effort from a gf....why it’s not the same with your wife?
Bottom-line is LOVE…if it exist everything exist!!
Hahaha! It's better than having to nurse him when he's older cos you didn't put out...
Oh yes you do... with doubling his dose, your train getting to Orlando also doubles :-P
FS.. lol
No it is not so difficult. But they are ups and downs..:)
You cant be active all the time??
lol sness.. ;)
Brit: see how selfless I am, it's not like I get any benefit from it...
Wonderful what find!!!
Lets have more Zex and live longer and happier....
A role model for all women out there and a beacon of hope for us men....
brit,not all the time..Give women some favors too..
it sounds like we are obliged.. & I don't want my guy to see this thread,or else he'll use this against me.LOL.
If it's for his health, I don't think I have much choice but to partake in this. In fact, I'll double his dose, seeing as hubby is a diabetic...;-)
Q. Why are married women heavier than single women?
A. Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed.
Married women come home, see what's in bed, and then go to the fridge.
It's a closed loop. We call it the circle of happiness :O)
Happy man = more jewelries/shoes = Happy woman
Ladies. Please stop making excuses.
This is a simple formula..
Stop having headaches. Make love to your man as often as possible.
This prolongs his life and makes him happier and less stressed.
This in turn means a much more congenial and close relationship and better atmosophere at home..
Now WHAT MORE can a woman want ?
Tinker read about the study here :P
Tinker read about the study here :P
tinks, we got ways to keep those eyes from travelling down.. :P
Timebandit said Should Read:-
"men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer, but significantly more complaints about jobs that need doing around the house, and the amount of time in front of the TV."
Which in turn leads to shorter lives and effectively cancels out the original bedroom gym cardio workouts....
/Oopsy! Who's side am I on??? :P
I agree with u tinker..
ALWAYS travels further down.....ALWAYS.......
hmmmm...Is it so difficult to have a active sex life with your partner??
hahaha..shut their mouth?during what colt?during arguement?
I bet you smiled in agreement when you read that... be honest!!! :-P
Colt, how about you shut it... then you will live longer and safer.. :P
I remember that too... and there was an attachment to it with some nice bouncy jugs :-))
Sometime back there was a study to show that men that looked at women's breasts for at least 10 mins a day would live longer...anyone remember that study? Makes me wonder how they conducted their study on this. :P
BritExpat does not make sense the active sex life and been faithful bit..:) lol
There is a study which says, Women who SHUT their mouths live longer!!! :-P
Now I know why I have been a depressed soul of late... yalla I needa go out and get some booty :-P
Is there any studies conducted so men could help women live longer too?
In order for me to do this,I'd be happy he's doin' the
Eggactly colt i'm sure when they were doing their research they had guys like us in mind who would question their research from every angle to see what suits us best.
MEN! :/
I am in agreement with what you say, they need to make it look good, so throw in the "faithful" part eh? LOL!!!
LOL tinks, ..
I totally disagree with this...on one hand they say MORE sex better life, but does it a) HAVE to be with your wife only and b) what does being faithful have to do with it?
What i mean to say is, yes we all know having sex burns up a lot of calories in the body etc etc, they just threw in the whole faithful part so their research just "looks good on paper" if you know what I mean :P
Great minds think alike :-P
well tinks, most studies are anyway.. as you can see, Colt and TB here have given it a new twist..:P
Should Read:-
men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer, but significantly more complaints about jobs that need doing around the house, and the amount of time in front of the TV.
"men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer"
I interpret it as i need to be faithful to my sexual partner. I'm a one woman man. (one woman at a time i.e.) :-P
There is always small print damn it :(
Is it just me or did some of you boys selectively miss this part...? :P
"What was evident ...and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer."
/Btw, I know the men didn't. :0)
LOL at Amsterdam TB.. :P
not much tinks, here's the link to baldrick's thread yesterday:
Does this mean that Amsterdam has the most effective gym's in the world?
now now Khanan, are you gonna start a "cause" like baldrick did last night? :P
Brit, add little in women favor to the OP, and see the response of Ladies.
Bloody scientist, who doesn't know women Nature.
Now , this really is a cause worth pursuing..
Go for it !
Damn it QS i had my excuse signed sealed and ready to show my wife if i ever cheated. She always tells me i should be more health you have ruined EVERYTHING!!!
we should start a FB Casuse Page..
to make more more awarness among the ladies...
This is simple math... Nothing to do with an equation..
The research shows that YOU can really help your man live longer.. So, why not help prolong the life of the father of your children..
QS no,he gets a virus then!
On a more serious note,that isn't something a sane,responsible married man would do anyway.
say "Yes"
QS, that's an interesting question! LOL
"What was evident from the research was that men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer."
So, NO!
Mr.M, and what if a man gets more intimate with the wife of his friend? is he healthier?
Mr.M, and what if a man gets more intimate with the wife of his friend? is he healthier?
:( Tinker are you saying then we need to look else where for good health?
LOL brit, not possible at the moment.. :P
Strange, only the ladies have NO comments...either they dont want their husbands to live long or ?????
Please help a man prolong his life .... You will feel better for it..
no comments.. :P
Lol TB!
good one
Who needs a six pack? I have a barrel ;)
TB doesnt want a six pack..he's happy with his family pack :P
Timebandit,to get a six pack,definately can't get that in bed! :)
Thats right, i don't need a Jim...i need a Jane :P
I have heard that if a man gets more intimate with his wife,not only the level of testosterone increases,he is also more healthier.
Who needs a gym?