Taking Pictures

By Andy Rodriguez •
Hi Guys,
Is it prohibited in Qatar for taking pictures or videos on buildings, landmarks like corniche, west bay areas, or malls??? I'm afraid, I'll be caught by the police..just for souvenirs,..Thanks..
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Not only the Qatar, everywhere in in the world it is prohibited to take pictures of security installations and government offices.
In Qatar the only difference is you dont have to take pictures of Qatari ladies, as they dont like somebody to take their photos.
It's not prohibited but you should be cautious for any government buildings and the areas as said above...
some areas in westbay (diplomatic areas) are restructed in taking photos, there are caution board placed in such areas. so, be careful, if u violate, u 'll be quoted directly by security police.
So far as I know, the only places that are sensitive are the airport, any police or military buildings and possibly places like QCB or maybe the Diwan (if you're trying to get up close rather than a scenic shot from across the street)