Student jokes

By wrangler112527 •
Teacher to Student: “Where were U born?”
Student: In Thiruvanantapuram.(capital city of Kerala )
Teacher: Spell it?
Student: (after thinking) I think I was born in GOA
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Q. How do they separate the men from the boys at Oxford?
A. With a restraining order.
Sardar is in a dissection class of cockroach. He cuts its 1 leg, and
says, "chal", it walks.
He cuts 2nd and 3rd legs and said, "chal”, it walks.
He cuts all the legs and said, "chal....
" Finally he wrote the conclusion......
....... "After all the legs of a cockroach are cut - it becomes deaf......"
Ok...heard it for many times on QL itself...
isnt there an indian group to troll
REALLY not funny.