Which razor do you use?

By timebandit •
Feeding from the soap thread, I thought we may as well have a toiletries theme day.
I love the Gillette Fusion, but refuse to pay the stupidly inflated prices. Instead I use Wilkinson Sword or (Schic as they are known out here) Titanium. Almost as good, but half the price for the blades. However every store I go into is dominated with Gillette displays.
What do you use?
Jack - I never get what you mean!! :-). Whatever!! As I did mention if you need close shave "perform"
ROFL jackmohan2007
lol jackmohanlal....
Lol .. BM... make sure you dont cut your hubby's fruit tree ...lol
btw, i have a question for all the "non arabian" girls here: do you like hairy men?!?! normal hairy i mean...not wolfman of course.
Oh for goodness sake.. I bet he shaves his chest also and waxes parts I dare not mention :O(
Felix is "metro". ;)
Felix is this mandatory?
"All better, if you perform after your shower".....
I usually want a shower after I "perform".... I dont want to go in again :(
Glad that works for you..
For me, first thing in the morning - all I want is to get the shaving over and done with as quickly as possible ..
AK... I have decided on the Triangle design...
...cant make up my mind if it should be like a Pyramid or inverted pyramid?... :(
Was thinking on the Doha Airport landing strip lawn... but thats too sissy :(
Gillette Fusion. For close smooth shave, apply oil (coconut or olive) oil 2 minutes before shaving and use contemporary brush with shaving paste. All better, if you perform after your shower. After shave lotion may dry your face (Alcohol Content)in this part of the world use balm.
gotta wake up his senses BM, he still thinks he has hair :D
that was severe! :p
that's the pain of having alopecia all over your body rizks lol!
LMAO Rizks. i pity you, poor bald guy. what's left for you then? eh, misfortune? :p
rizks what type of cuter du have???
i dont have a lawn....:(
Me poor man.
forget about grass cutter i dont have nail cutter even...:(
why lolling at me Rizks? something wrong with that?
I can do your lawn as well... :(
as long as you have some grass cutter.
lol gloomy
i so like clearing hubby's lawn, oh i mean our garden! *wink* :))
the lawn on which i use nair cream to keep it clean
sqare design and by the way i was giving an example for lawn i was talking about my personal lawn
AK what design is best for the lawn?
I was thinking of growing the grass and giving it some design...lol
lol somwer, I know it is.. :P
Gillette Sensor Excel for me... ALL OVER :-P
Tried the Fusion (the orange one with 4 blades right?), but didn't like it coz it kinda hurt :-(
plucking is painful MJ, i shave :P
what about the pits :(
lol somwer, what about on the legs? do you pluck them out one by one? :P
yes MJ most of the time i use a lawnmower as shears are of no use especially when it's shrubbery :D
Noooooooooo!!! Please stop!
TB, regret always comes last.. :P
yes ur right the lawn should be trimmed periodically otherwise they may grow long grasses which me look ugly and nasty i trim my lawn periodically
I am starting to regret creating this thread... I should have known areas other than the face would come into it. Man I am going off the idea of breakfast here :|
You're awakeing fond memories.. I used to call her my teddy bear .. :O)
lol somwer, you use a lawnmower now? :P
asif it's like "Mow the lawn to make the yard longer" :P
SNM yes i do and its kind a relief we stay clean and healthy
Brit: In that case, your Cuban Shotputter was probably influenced by French women, just like me :-)
hi mj, sness,
yeah less painful than waxing and hair puller:P
lol sness!
Neither was I :O)
lol asif/SNM!
lol lovemee, does that make it less painful than waxing? :P
Brit: I wasn't talking about my face...
oh my bad sness :P i do that too :D
i dont shave too,
but i used masking tape ;-)
No SNM, he shaves "between the legs" ;-)
Kinky .........
My Cuban Shotputter was the same.. But she always bleached ...
you shave your legs asif?!
on the face gillete ofcourse
btween the legs and underarms nair cream with cucumber extracts
snessy 0.o
and I thought it was gonna be shampoo next.. :P
I don't shave, I like to be au naturale...
Actual the next thread was going to be loo roll's
QL is going stupid
Which soap?
Which razor?
Next expected thread;
Which condom do you prefer?
Nair or Never :-)
Rizk use 'Nair Hair Remover Cream'
Stupid guy applied the cream on his head ,, thinking it is a Shampoo ... LOL
Nair or Never :-)
Well you learn something new.. I always thought Shick was German :O(
I agree about the prices of Fusion blades, so I have gone for Boots brand..
My stubble is quite hard, so i got a new one, but kept cuttting myself..
"KHUKURI " IS best for Shaving :P
i use Gillette Mach 2.
lol Speed, i use a shaving cream for those unwanted hairs.... errr which unwanted hairs? :)
Old fashion razor :p
Gillete !
it shaves good and u can shave watever u want in a Single GO ! :)
before using the razor ?? Which soap :-)