The other side

Hi there and good morning
Have any of you met other people on QL that turned out to be something completely different to what you were led to beleive about them. i.e they were nice and freindly when you chatted to them on QL and then when you actually started chatting to them by phone or via email they turned out to be nothing like what they portrayed...
Just wondering ????
snessy, I am blushing now, he he....I hope I meet your expectations, I am not that bad as a person I think ;-)
drmana, if you are anything like your online persona, I expect you to be beautiful inside and out :-)
ohh u caught my weakness...:(
Tinku i want to do fist wrestling with
hms, I don't know :-)))
i said less talking and not less conservative
Let me know how I am as my online persona so that I can behave accordingly when we meet. That way no confusion
Tinker... ok ok... I dont want you turn into a lioness now..:)
so when shall we have a meet up party with all, including all can you be my type...:)
lol lucy :P heeeeeee heeeeee heeeeee.
Now i remember the "Camel" thread
may be i am poor in english, sorry if i am wrong, and by the way i also met FS in person. and i found the same as in QL.
of course we do.. ;)
lol FS !
conversative??? hms which dictionary are you using??
may be i am wrong tinkerbell.
tinks, and a cute chatterbox you are.. ;)
oh Tinku we both have something in Common then....:)
Less conservative as in??? :-)
so i am coming with chocolates box within next 30mins to your office, be ready with bebsi to welcome me.
looks like my lolita
Tinku might be in QL u look like Tinkerbell but in real u look like School bell...heheheh
i met you, but unfortunately i could not converse with u much, but just in short meeting i fould you less conversative than here, that is just a small observation, may be wrong.
u welcome anytime hms.
Make sure u bring a choclate box when u come along...:)
ya little bit, but what about u are u also looking the same way, i want to meet u shall i come to your office now ??
hms i want to meet you,do yo look same like ur Avataar pic ? :)
met me so far in real ?? so far i have met a few of them, like Saeed, Tinkerbell, jakmohan, saad and so on, i found them totally different.
Planning is being made with me ? :(
hmmm.. can i join ?
I will pay all of yours, glass of water
tinks, you already know my answer to that.. ;)
sness, thanks.. ;)
I said some not all...
MJ & Tinker, you're both exactly the same, but alot cuter than I anticipated ;-)
LIS and am I :-)
All these talks scare me more than ever.....let me tell ya all....I am very very shy in real but as stupid as I am here :-)
Im pretty stupid at all times!
sness, what about me? ;)
OMG, how did I miss this thread?? This is so true, I have met many QLers and they are certainly not the same as their online persona (I'm pretty sure they think they same about me). I find some people build up a character online because in reality they are actually quite shy or vice versa but this is a way of showing what they are whilst hiding behind a username.
PM me if you're interested, incase I fail to check this thread again... casual outing, nothing big ;-)
what time are you looking at? might dust the boots off!
I have met quite a few.... most people match with their on line persona.
In person some are quite... and some are loud.
You need to come over and play football with us tomorrow, if you're interested, I will PM you the venue.
we will meet for a match one day, like i said i have a met a few of QL'rs and had a good time - oh and WK is scary so watch out!! ;0) ... colt if your the opposite of what your like online then im afraid you fall into the nut case bunch!
I'm the total opposite of what I am online too... umm and how am i online??? :-(
you are such a naughty doll :D
I am just like my avatar...hard, cold and a Biyatch :)
As for the other QLers some were as I expected, others simply floored me.
QS, can't wait to meet you.. ;)
only MJ got it right.. it's not about who pretends to be what, and what they portray...
it's about how you picture other over their posts...
it is widely known that while talking virtually with the person we create a certain image, but the reality could be completely different. it's not the person's fault, and they don't do it on purpose... no need to judge them.. who are you to judge?
I am sure many would say i am quite b-i-t-c-h-y on QL.. but when you met me, you will know that I am as innocent as a baby.. right, DaRuDe?
brit get your a55 down to Doha ASAP so that I can scare you in real life too :-P
I must correct you..
After seeing the laser hair remover ad on QL, my pins are silky smooth and the stockings fit like a glove ...
LostInSpace: We must get together sometime.. It'll be good to talk footy and all things blighty..
WK: I am ofcourse scared of you, but I figure you're probably a nice guy :O)
Another twist....
Ever thought maybe you HAVE met someone off QL...but didn't know?
In a restaurant, or a mall etc....?
Maybe you walked past them yesterday.
I mean, Doha/Qatar isn't that big....
i have never tried to meet any1 in QL... coz i found ths hidden identity 2 b more flexible..
the other side is unexpectable
@ WK,fair enough mate...
We will meet soon I hope, could not make the halloween party unfortunately. WK the performance was a good one just Joe Cole looks lost! he will come good i hope!
LIS Liverpool won yesterday, hope you didn't go crazy with celebrations :P
gadarene I don't know, maybe it's just my experience.
Not even me :/
ok fine you are fired.
Waiting to see that for real :-P
have met a few QL'rs in real life and they were good company - but there are a load of nut cases on here that i would never meet!
Ehhh! Don't expect me to be like a pumpkin in real. I am definitely not like that :-(
i forgot to tell you about her she always meets me for coffee at corniche after midnight
with Khanan the belly dancer and Qatarisun the same time date.
gadarene..have you met any QLer in real??
It is almost always the case for me.. most of the time, they are not what I picture them to be..
@ Wk,i beg to differ mate...i'd say it's 50:50 but hey call me optimistic,still it's not true that people are never who they say they are...although i would admit,here on QL,seems like a very small % of people are who they say they are but that is largely because of a lack of self-confidence,anyways,i know who i am,what you see,online or otherwise,is what you get & i'm sure the same can be said for other QL'ers,however smal their numbers may be...
Welcome to the virtual world..
"Amalp" says he is very simple and innocent like his profile picture....
Phone or email is not much different from chatting with them on QL. IMO, it's when you meet the person in real life, is when you can make a judgement about his actual character and mannerisms.
People are not always what they seem online :-( That said, some far exceed your expectations :-)
well said Andeee, some are not what they r in real life too. there r lot of pretenders everywhere
"when u reach the nut then only u know the real taste of the mango" an old saying :)
I have met and chatted to few QLrs but when I met them personally it was totally different scene.One of my husband's colleague is always here for posting comments and once his wife told me in general that he is also on QL and his id is this..He places so many posts over here and keep flirting with ladies although he is having such a good homely wife at home.I feell so sorry for his rubbish mentality.
The other one I met is a lady but she not much active on QL.She is having daughter same as mine and we really enjoyed few family picnics to Mesaid and Dukhan.
Last one I met was Santro.She is a nice lady to talk too with very cute kids.A very nice,big,ultra clean and rich house she have.She looks like a greek goddess.To be very frank I really envy her for her good looks.She is really very good at cooking and cleaning.But the way she starts stammering if her husband walks around make her dumbo lady..I think she is full of complexes a lot.But on QL she pretends to be very confident which I really hate.
lol DaRuDe :)
just leave it saeed....his girl friend and family given forgiveness..:(
lol DaRuDe...
master Qatari and Ahmad too
hello everybody...i am simple humble..person...anybody can speak to me or mail me...:(
some pretend to be fierce but in the real world, timid as a sheep! Lol!
Rizks turned out a gay
Colt a male lesbian
Brit a thong lover always in thong and hairy legs
UkEng a guy like from the 3 stooges
Chocoholic a marine who handles snakes
nomerci a super hot model
oryx a book worm with big glasses
WK was a disappointment i wanted to call the blood bank but they refused him
all were creepy
All the time..
people are never what they say they are..
They are always different to their online persona, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.
I am assuming that people would be the same on QL, email or phone.
It is only when you meet them in person that perhaps the changes manifest ..