Do we need private health insurance?

Hi All,
I was wondering if you could give me some input.
My husband moved from the US to Doha two weeks ago, and our 2 year old daughter and I will be joining him in a couple of months.
In the mean time, we were wondering if we need the private health insurance that my husband's employer offers. This is the info that weighs in to our decision:
We will all be covered (for free) through my own health insurance, but this will only be for trips to the US. It will not cover anything outside the US.
The insurance my husband's employer offers requires that we contribute roughly $4000 per year for coverage. In addition, there is a $200 deductible per person (that means that the first $200 of medical expenses for each person in our family will be paid out of pocket.) Once we meet that, each person pays 20% of the first $2,500 of their expenses. And after that, coverage is full. This all means that, for a family of 3, the out of pocket expenses will be between $4000- $6000 per year.
Given that there is also the National health insurance, do you think this insurance is worth the expense? I obviously don't want to cut any corners when it comes to health, but I am wondering -- what will the private insurance offer that the public option won't? If you had a similar option, would you mind telling me -- what did you choose, and why?
Any input you can offer will be very very much appreciated!
Sorry but the argument is weak IMHO - however, I hope someone can either reassure you as to the standard of care available at Qatari national hospitals. Do you buy the insurance in the US? If so, you might want to continue in order to avoid a lapse and perhaps finding it difficult to get insured when you return to the US
I know, even my husband's employer admits that health insurance is the weakest part of the compensation package.
But it's the exact same package they offer to their employees in the US, so there is not much you can argue with...
Anyone else have any input? Anyone have any experience with the public healthcare?
And even if we opt to go to private doctor without being covered by insurance, do you think the cost will be more than $4000-$6000 per year?
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While not having personal experience of using the "national health care" system here - my question is - why isn't your husband's employer offering medical as part of the package? For most western expats, the employer picks up the tab for medical that allows you to go to most private health care providers (I have never paid for any doctor visit in 10 years, except dentists which I get reimbursed for up to a certain amount).