speed camera
By vn.sreekumar •
Has the new speed camera near Gharaffa activated yet or is it still under trial. My brother's car got flashed when he was speeding through that road today. And does anyone know how much will be the fine if by chance the camera was not under trial. His speed was 140km.
Tell your brother to drive slowly...Why to cross the signal then if you are not willing to pay the fine??
Charge would be Qrs.500 and to be paid for every 10KMS extra in accordance with high speed limit.
If limit 100 speed---500+400
if limit 80 ---500+600
Exceeding posted speed limit on the road.
QR.500 And to be increased by QR.100 for every 10 km / hour of speed to the maximum penalty of QR.1000.
and point loss 4.
Just check what max. limit there?? Gharafa I think 100km/H
so just count and check after 3 days in MOI website
no it is operational and be prepared to pay 500 QR
Deportation. People like your brother are a permanent threat to the security of others.