Marriage in Islamic court

By john_space •
Here is again a question about marrying in Qatar.
Could someone tell me if yes or no Sharya court can marry non muslim?
If so where can this be done, which court and what are the paper work needed.
Any information would be most appreciated I went today to Al Rayyan court and it was a bit scary (big empty space, no-one speaking English)
Other people would not want to convert to muslim just to get maaried to a muslim guy. And so for the sake of love as they say. Nonsense? What would they encounter along the way woudl definitely affect the union as they word "union" would say -- they should unite!
A colleague of mine tried to marry his maid (neither are muslim) and they were told that only marriages between muslims are conducted there.
maybe because muslim women are hard to find at night when youre walking around?
i agree with baldrick.y would a non muslim want a shariah marriage?
if u r a qatari then i guess its a must that ur spouse shuld convert to islam.
but from my point of view,its a disgrace to any religion, if sum1 wants to convert,it should happen only for the sake of god.not for the sake of a man or a women.n for god com muslim men cannot find a muslim women to get married to?i know lov is blind ,but dont be this blind to forget ur god.
yup, right. US website..
Qatar Visitor says otherwise though:
None of the Christian churches are allowed to marry Muslims. If you are Muslim you can be married by the Sharia Court. They will marry a Muslim man to a Christian woman, but not the other way around.
the best way to know is to go there and check it yourself. go with an Arabic speaking friend. good luck!
yes saw this... on the US embassy website though, not exctly 'official' (but close).
so what is your answer to her question saeedkan? or you just wanted to really point that out?
Marriage in Qatar
Muslim Marriages
Muslim Marriages are performed at the Sharia Court, which is located on Al Rayyan Road near Mannai Ra in the Musheirib area. You must provide two witnesses for the marriage. Please note that the Sharia Court will only marry two muslims. Even though marriages between Muslim men and Christian women are performed by Sharia courts in other Muslim countries, they are not performed in Qatar.
yeah I know I I saw many posts with different opinions. Seeing the court explains that people probably do not have a clue or just 'assume'
I think the answer is NO, just want to make sure before moving to other options (embassy)
Why would a non-muslim want a Shariah marriage?
a Non-muslim friend of mine in Kuwait had to convert to islam in order to do this so I guess the answer is probably no.