Meet new People..QL PARTY ( part 2 )
mEET NEW PEOPLE...make new freinds, share your point of view, ideas, talent .....
jOIN WITH US..WE Are planning to make a QL PARTY..all new(those people who dont have any group ) and old members of QL..even other groups are welcome..this party is for everyone...
If possible..your group could help us to organize this once in a lifetime BIG QL PARTY...(why not! )
any ideas are welcome...( theme party or Custome party )
Venue,program,date are not yet if you have any suggestion...share and be part of this...
Some people( expat ) are still looking for new friends
when and where is the party?
it's a great idea,,!
i think that FUWAIRAT, GHARIYA or AL KHOR beach are the best places to choose,,,!
and it's gonna be the biggest one planned. :) in..! =P
when and where? this would be FUN
Thanks catwoman.. Now that sounds interesting, will get in touch soon after checking with some friends for this.
Where is Rizks, he looks so bootiful while pole dancing... ;)
Nice one Arien...
Hello everyone, Doha Beat band a local private group of musicians will be having a Dhow cruise this 22nd of October from Corniche to banana island (intercon)ticket price will be 100Qr need to bring your own food. that will be from 10am4pm anyone who is interested please don't hesitate to get in touch with me..
Regarding QL party i think we can arrange a Halloween party with customes and with live band music..
hay lets have a party..........
if there is not enough money, then select an open place...
beach... sea line...
park or some place...
so that only thing you need to have is time...
time to attend the party....
please someone organize it....
suggest a place date and time...
lets meet each other and know each other...
take care friends......
jameskgm he is a bisexual ;)
LoL arien funniest thing i saw today
Arien, picked by men or women?.
MJ this was clicked from his last party ;P
Exactly MJ he dances there every thursday untill he gets picked lol
LOL Arien, where? at the Ramada parking? :P
WTF Arien! :P
Pole Dance by Rizkz at 11pm
Uploaded with
what happen to the party?...some are topless,downless,shameless and the mindless.....
totally custome party or character party...
aailaaa....cant forget ;)
Is it one of them there Toga Parties with lots of sheep ??
don't forgit yer mop Da
jake, dont worry!!! All member in this thread will join.
they are getting crazy now and exited hahahaha
any contribution and how much???
Da: don't be upset am sure you will be invited also... to clean up after :P
Choco: yes, he works out everyday but he isn't just a meathead he loves to read as well. His eyes will melt your darkest choco heart :P
Tinker, english in main forum plzz :P
Da, you got mail...(pm)
oh dear!
nw77, bring him along!
Is he still as gorgeous as ever? Still working out at the gym every day?
nightwalker and choco will join your party.
oh but Choco, I have a date for you...
he's been asking to see you again :P
asif hello long time no how are u ?
Oh well nw77, the benefits really arent' that great anyway :P
Yalla jake, where's the party??
Choco, I'll be your date for the party!
I've been trying to get fired from QLSG forever, didn't want to quit then I couldn't get benefits :P
hi choozy
lol rizks im joking only, im scare to ur wild snake pet.......
rizks u perv u want to be dowless???
who is new here ? saab ke saab old sold lol
i will leave if DaRuDe joins me too ? :)
tinker leave now so rizk leaves also.
bestman shukran !
i am mindless and shameless....ROFL
you have LQ with QL?
Tinku if u leave QL, i will leave this country....:(
Sorry--- I feel u are mindless ----
choozy i can do anything for you baby !
tell me when, were and at wat time should i show u downless ? : )
try again next years!
aagae !!
hello Tinku, were hav u been my sweetie Pie ? :)
downless, what is that heheh lol...yes rizks sure can u do that?
choozy u want to see me downless ? :)
darude i want to see u topless hehehee
After the guillotine?
Rudester, bring it on. I aint ascared of no "safety shoes".
Better come up with something scarier :P
i wll come topless huh
Never mind Da!
DaRuDe go topless, i bet nothing is much scarier than tat....:(
mwah i love you babes..................
ofcourse saeedkhan !
each one comes in its own brand ! :)
there is a think CALLED PM.
Jake u can organize such a big barty ( party ) ..:P
Dere r many Qlers !!
yea will make sure to get my soccer boots on for you specially will use the safety shoes that comes with metal piece on front.
lol chocholic....
So if i go to jake's party, I'll get kicked out of QLSG?
jake, please provide time and place!
jake i want to join you, but promise me you will not
saeedkhan i can help you in tat, just visit Industrial Area St No.10 u will find many of your choice there...:)
who wants to join this party..just PM me guys...
thank you...
Party Party Party!!!
kick out of the group
lately alot had happened in these open events
and i dont want any one bringing it in the group
so i better keep them away.
Da, not in this life...lololol
fire them???
My Filipino friend told me that the banchot in their language means Short or Little Man....
no choozy i didnt ! :(
i cant think of anyone except you the whole day and the scary nights....:(
I am so much in you, tat i am not in
lol @ mutiny... :P
benchoot, why you want to hear it from his mouth?
ooops. spelling, banchot...
DaRuDe can you help me in this ? :)
can you tell us the meaning of the id banchot ? :)
i dont know much about it ?
lol rizks, i went for vacation last month so how's ql now? did u find new galfriend here?
Why not!!!tell me....
dont you seeeeeeeeee me around.
am just looking around to see that if any members from my group ever joins any open event i will fire them :D
banchot ur id reminds me one a famous slang word....:)
u want me to tell tat ?
Crazy Rizks!!!!
Does QLSG know about this mutiny?
Crazy Rizks!!!!
ya ya i can guard the body and soul of the galz....:)
banchot i like you
guys alwaz think of being with galzzz... is dat anyway very special???....i dint feel so..;)
(im anyway straight..dnt misundrstaandd mee..)
Can I join!!!!!!
choozy darling, were the hell were you ?
So many dayz have passed by and u have not even sent me a flying kiss wrapped in a box of candies to me ? :(
how u doing baby ?
Can I join!!!!!!
Got a group that will orgainize small party like this..thank you Mr. Allow,,,,
Hope you will join with us...
anyone else..
party? when... where,,,??
just pm me if ever ...
there is one witch in QL and tat is Tinkerbell....:)
where is she ? :)
good idea
which is which?
wat me ?
ya take me take me i will be 24Hrs near the pool with the bootifool cuties....:)
Beyrot are famous for the POOL parties.....take Rizky along with his galpriends!
this might reach the 3rd page....:(
the first one hasn't even reached page 2 yet....
i want to see strip dance near the pool....:)
why do you want to get rid of me why are you sending me to beirut so i i dont come back lookin at all those hotties walking around in the stret :D
include stip dance in the party. Rizks like it as he wanted to see pool dance in the "dirty" traffic.
i am coming only if there are 20 gals and only me.....:)
good idea........... why not
Part 1 was a flop....:(
visit Beirut...
part 2?
to be a pool party and dress code g string.
now i am not coming.
ahh its u again ? :(