A Ryder washout

By LostInSpace •
Typical of the Welsh weather! 7 hours and 19 mins of delayed play has given the possibility of a Monday finish for the first time in the Ryder cup. 40% of October rain fall came down in one day! Bad news considering the millions spent bringing the event to Celtic Manor.
Only one point in it, but the Americans are looking impressive..
Taking the initiative here :0(
Golf bores me only slightly less than cricket :o(
golf. But much much better playing it. I miss playing it regularly!
I have got a full fridge of beer and all nibbles required and play starts in 10 mins, hope there is no more delays - a Monday finish would be terrible! Come on Europe!!!
It was bad news for the spectators, but may be helpful for the Europeans in the long run. Hopefully the slow greens will suit our players.