Have u guys noticed this ??

Hi fellow QLs ...
Have u guys ever noticed that each time they have closed some beach or the other and made up some resort or something ??? For example ... first the Doha club beach ... turned into Sharq Village ... then Wakra beach gonna be converted to some tourist resort and now the Intercon beach recently shut completely ... whats wrong with these people here ?? No more beach for the common people ?? or all to join the clubs to enjoy swimming ?? Or is it just gonna be work and home ?? Whats gonna be next Ummsaid ?? :(
Regards ....
Just FYI Islam actually recommends swimming highly. Such that the Prophet even advised “Teach your children swimming, archery and horse-riding.” Totally halal!
oh really, intercon sea side was already closed for public?! ...oh men..
Basim - Have YOU noticed that Doha is growing? Commercialization is normal my friend!
ruby tell me about this fuwairit beach ... have been to al ghariya beach too ... not bad too ... hope authorities arent watching this post and ready with their bulldozers !!!
hahahaaaa ... no swimming allowed !! haraaaam gud one !!
All Sports here are paid sports...
so all beaches better be paid beaches....
joke? or not? Swimming is one of the most recommended.
swimming is haram.
hope atleast one will b left
I think the authorities are doing the right thing..
Last thing we need is expats in speedos wandering the beach ..
right on bassim hope they won't catch on with Fuwairit i totally like it there
bitch instead of beach
urban planning need to blame...
I think the authorities should provide Public Beaches like in Dubai and maintain them also.
The beaches might have been destroyed by all the trash people left. (see my recent post).
Back in the Netherlands we have some very nice public beaches which are government maintained and a lot of people enjoy them en the summer.
Hopefully some beaches will still be open this weekend as I have been planning to go.
Be safe all
Not only beaches, many commercial and residential areas were demolished in past.
There are other beaches outside Doha if you want to camp out there.
They want everyone to swim in their houses in the Bath TUB...:(
Awww..that's too bad!Just hope and pray Masaieed isn't next. All the same lets enjoy it while we can..
All they know is throw money on unnecessary stuffz and later regret .. they shud think & use it wisely ! Not first construct and plan it later !
no money no honey
as an expat u should pay to have fun,otherwise u return back