Hello there,
Need a suggestion, whether I should go for Plasma or LCD.
I realize there is not much of a difference in the resolution, Plasma is 1 megapixel and LCD is 2 megapixel.
TV output is same for both, until u watch DVD in which case LCD gives a better picture.
There is a samsung 42" plasma for 2600 riyal and LCD 40" for 3200 riyal.
Price difference is significant, but is the quality significant enough as well??
I am confused :S
LED is the best of them all
Hey guys, so was wondering...why is it better to get plasma if you are viewing cable tv more? Please enlighten me as i'm new here.
Thanks :-) and yeah, I only deal with HD now, be it 720p or 1080p :-D
LED is LCD TV...yaar...without the backlighting...
Its not actual LED in the true "Light Emitting Diode".... sense that you see in today's flash lights...
This LED tech is in between LCD and OLED= organic light emitting diode.
Colt to make it simpler for you
LCD is better than CRT
LED technology is better than LCD
OLED tehcnology is better than LED
Due to the absence of backlight ...the "Black" tones are deeper than an LCD... thereby giving higher contrast, brighter and sharper pictures.
If you are thinking to buy LED 1080 TV... dont hesitate it worth all its value!!!
Its excellent if you hook it up to your PC...especially if you are a HD down loader....... doesn't colt deal only in HD?
PM me with the info, incase I don't read it over here ;-)
Well that much is true that if LEDs get fcuked up then you have to replace, no other solution but let me check for the performance. Will get back to you on that.
Lemme know if there is anything you can find out about LED's... I'm almost buying one, but just stopping short because of the rumour :-(
Worked with a TV manufacturer for a short period of time. We were always told within the company that LCD is a way better technology than Plasma.. Let me see if I can dig up that technical presentation for the reasons.
Yanni... do you have any info on about if an LED tv gets fcuked up, then what? throw it out the window if it's crossed the warranty period?
"anything on LED's though?"..... yanni?..... didnt get you :(
Thanks for the info... anything on LED's though?
Colt if LCD Tv also gets **** uped there is no repairing... especially if dots start appearing on your screen :(
The chances of these getting bad are 1,000 times lesser than in other TVs both Tube TVs and Plasma.
Plasma is older technology anyway...
Idk babes, just heard a rumour about that, not sure if it's even true is why I asked...
BTW, chk PM ;-)
Please don't tell me LED TV's get ****** up .
LCD is ol' school... LED is far more advanced ;-)
Plasma is old school, LCD is far more advanced
I have heard that if the LED tv's get fcuked up, there is no repairing them? You have to replace the tv.
Is that true or just BS?
1080 LED TVs are the best... they consume lesser electricity and also produce a little less heat...
Its also a little lighter to carry...
3D LCD? or 3D LED?
Sony 3D LED comes for how much?42'?
go for 3D LCD
As per manufacturers data available and recommendation, up to 42" they prefer to use PLASMA and below 42" LCD. Search the web to understand these to TV types.
"if your looking for quality and best picture quality go for Plasma
if you want cheapest price: Go for plasma"
I think you mean to say LCD for the 1st part of your post ;-)
if your looking for quality and best picture quality go for Plasma
if you want cheapest price: Go for plasma
Anyway, technology is continuously evolving almost every other month new features is added and later on you will desire the new one.
like for example: LED with 3D which is the high end as or this time.
are you going to be watching cable tv more, or dvds? If it's the former, then Plasma imho. But if it's the latter, then LCD.