baby born in qatar but living outside in qatar

my baby was born here in qatar last May 2010. I get him one year visa with my husbands sponsorship and now his living outside qatar. I just want to know if i need to bring my baby back here in qatar before his visa get six months..? or it will be automatically cancelled his visa if i will not bring him after 6months..? pls. help! my baby's visa will be 6months this coming november 2010.
i'm also working here in qatar.. thanks for the answers..!!! it's a big help...
as per my openion there is some money ithink 500qr so that further u can extand ur son visa it is possible
As Per Qatar Visa rules, any type visa’s automatically will be cancelled if exceeded six months, (if your outside the country), but your husband may go to Airport Immigration office & request for a visa Exemption/renewal without presenting/ bringing your baby to Qatar.
Go & check with Immigration…..
what about you?