What is your pet peeve ???

Just went to the shops. The person in front of me was on the phone all the time, even when she got to the counter. She carried on as the assistant conversed with her and then didn't even say thank you when leaving ..
Her use of the mobile phone not only delayed the process, but also seems really rude to me ....
Anyone else have any pet peeves ???? Do you get pissed off when people use their mobile phones when interacting with you ?
I don't know why people are so curious about me, specially when I'm scratching the hell out of the crack of my arsed then farting real loud after I'm finish!
Guess she believes in breaking rules then..too bad for me!
Camel's milk and dates,huh? Interesting.. good thing the Saudi hasn't met my husband then!
reminds me of a time I visited an old Saudi gentleman in Buraidah...
He told me off for only having three kids. Then , when i was leaving, he gave me some camel's milk and dates. He said that they would help my virility :O)
applies to her sah?
But I guess I'm so not one! lol..I actually cringe at having to face her during the Eid. Ah well..anyway my evening was great,Alhamdullilah! But whatever happened to you?
Its very offensive to Ask any Qatari female how many kids she has and even to ask if you are single or married.
btw how was your evening?
Yeah yeah...I should be used to it by now but I'm not. Sheeesh..and I thought my mom's bad enough!
OMG you only have 1 kid!!! Poor you!!
it is bothering.. u are right
lol kids should trouble their mothers a lot :-P
Weird people though those who comment on the one kid situation.
and she's a handfull..trust me! lol
OMG Fathima you have only one kid :-o
I get mighty bugged with people giving me a hard time cos I've got "just" one kid! Its so...annoying. From my husband's kafeel's wife,to just random folks I meet around,to even nurses at the hospital I've had so many people questioning me and even harshly judging me cos I've got only one daughter. My younger sis has no kids but hardly or never hear's such comments like I do. I do wonder then ,why me? *sighs*
Gudnight rishi... :)
Chocolate boy is here... ;)
Night Night, don't let the bed bugs bite :-)
gudnite sness..:)
Of course Rishi, but hubby will be paying - do you still wanna know? LOL :-)
snessy, tell me when and where are you going shopping next..:)
There was this young lad who used to count on fingers even when he was in fifth standard but his answers were always correct.
Once the teacher got annoyed & asked him "put both your hands in your trouser pockets & tell me how much is two plus two?"
He said five.
I like your idea edifis...no glove, no love :-)
Rishi...how do they know? They never asked ;-)
snessy, thats because thats the only thing they can do to you while passing change...
Wear gloves. And beore you extend your hand to take the change...induce a lot of static electricity in them.
While I'm on my high horse I may as well moan about another pet peeve - shop assistants stroking your hand as they pass you your change! Why??
LOL Brit, speaking from experience?
You're right..Some men have no class. The answer is to have a "Dummy pocket" in your trousers, so that the hand can discreetly go in and scratch without attracting attention...
rishi: nice.... may be edifis should have had that food too..... :)
saad, yeah i had it for breakfast...thanks, i am happy you liked the food.
But don't tamper with others balls.
Where are the leftovers?
If it's my ball I have the right to do anything with it. throw it... catch it... spin it or whatever!
Ha ha! Flan, some baby powder will sort you right out.
Rishi...the way some men scratch, it doesn't look very pleasurable, LOL
rishi: did u eat that leftovers today....
by the way you make excellent food... :))
ruby: tagalog, if i get the lyrics then sure i will sing it...... :)))
lol rishi
ruby, wait.. let me think and imagine..
thats suggestive buddy good thing im your friend and don't misunderstand you lol
ok tagalog song then ;)
ruby: i am singing " Summer Of 69" for sure.... :)
if you sing one english song in the karaoke il tell you
ruby: ok, then when would be the surprise...
Next week..... ;)
wouldn't be a surprise if i tell now would i? ;)
rishi, agree with you totally.... :))
ruby, tell us the surprise then
you'd be surprised rishi
ruby, men do such things when they have nothing to do..:)
dont know what ladies do..
seriously rishi hahaha
snessy, women will never understand the sheer pleasure men feel in doing so..:)
snessy, naughty, naughty.... ;)
lol sneesy
lol, snessy, it's not appealing anymore it's appalling...
snessy, but our ball bag gets sweaty in this weather.
Men scratching their balls or picking their nose whilst checking you out - do they really think it looks appealing?
Okay,Mod....I take it all back...just tell me what to type for the answer to my other question..:-)
people right now.
I hate some of the bad habits of local shoppers in the Phillipines when they cut in front of you. While you are standing on line for minutes, just because he or she is purchasing one item.
The worst of me comes out, Excuse me: the emergency lane is on counter 39 not 12 or better yet: Please pick a number and wait to be called.
I had one guy stared me down from top too bottom because: I told him straight to his face "Dont cut in front me" it will be hazardous to your health!
Do you like what you see?
Let me know.
He end up moving to the end of the line.
Too piss him off more, I saw a senior citizen carrying his groceries bags to the cashier counter.
I did ask him politely would you like to be in front of the line? He did acknowledge, "YES" with his head. Everyone had to wait another five minutes.
Automated emails from Ql telling me a human will be in touch soon...and none do!!!!
[Yes, I do!]
Drivers texting/speaking on phones,tailgating,flashing their lights at me,when there is no where for them to go,once past me,cutting me up on roundabouts because they haven't a damned clue how to use the correct lanes,being honked at,at traffic lights,when the car in front hasn't even begun to move....oh,and drivers(usually of LC's) who flash past me then stand on their brakes because they think the camera will get them if they go more than 80k,although the limit is 120k!!!!!
And I'm with all of you on the carrier bag issue...crazy!
i hate to slow down in a roundabout when i see someone is entering infront without looking over his shoulders on his left...i am afraid someone will hit me from the back as i cant see anyone in my rear mirror while negotiating the curve.
it happens quite often in the industrial area..
like smoked salmon who boost to be GM. Must be GM of a massage parlour as is evident from his thinking.
lol, i see it happen in the round-abouts near education city. specially the one leading to landmark. i don't know what it's called, but it's rather large, and not very circular, the square-about.
i hate it when people park their cars IN the round-about
You know who you are!!!!!
drivers who join the shortest lane queue irrespective if it's the one you NEED to be in.
Lafanga, good one
Wearing sunglasses indoors.feeling celebrity i guess!
It is the Qatari "Culture" to honk the horn in front of a shop. It must be preserved (although a law exists which forbids it, imagine.)
My pet peeve is ignorant twats judging someone's nationality by looking at them.
Smoked Salmon do you know that you can't tell the difference between people from South of India and Sri Lankans by looking at them, same goes for North Indians and Pakistanis, Eastern Indians and Bangladeshis, North Eastern Indians and Nepalis, Bhutanese, Burmese.
Unless those people in the line were flashing their passports at you, how did you come to know of their nationality?
For your problem, Maybe you do look like a "Queen", that will explain why everyone tries to feel you up.
@ Chelsea - I agree with that...haha, my wife laughs at me while I shove as many items as I can into bags before the "bagger" gets his hands on them...I can use 4-5 bags for a large purchase whereas the baggers would use 10+. It's so bad for the environment!
This happens in other countries also. I actuallay asked a shop keeper once why he put up with it.. His answer - "because any customer is better than no customer"
My other pet peeve is carrier bags. Now I'm quite happy to unpack my own trolley & pack it into carrier bags but I understand that they have the staff to do it for you when the shops busy and you need to hurry through.
BUT I really don't appreciate every single item being put into a seperate bag!!! I once bought a couple of re-usable carrefour bags and before I knew it they'd put them into a plastic carrier bag for me to take home! It's just annoying to end up with a mountain of bags at home, annoying to carry them all in and it's not good on the environment.
I don't care about people honking their horns if the shopkeepers are happy to serve them but don't block the road!!!!!
This is the only country that I see people honk their horn and someone will go out to get their orders! What a lazy way to buy something...
when i fist came here... i was shocked by cars honking in front of stores and eventually someone came out and took their "orders", i was amazed by this practice here... but eventually it sanked into me... not bothered anymore... =)
Smoked, yes, this does happen quite a lot. The only way to make them stop is to actually push them away. Or tell them to move. Seriously.
It's the people who use them when interacting with others that piss me off. To me, it is lack of manners and ettiquette.
When people leave their shopping carts in the aisles of supermarkets ...and nobody can get by them as they are blocking the whole aisle. Also when supermarket staff, especially males, stand around in the aisles chatting and having empty cardboard boxes everywhere blocking the aisle. I also do not enjoy them staring at each and every female shopper.
Small children running around unattended,this is dangerous, as they do not seem to be able to see when somebody with a full shopping cart comes and may not be able to stop for those small children.
When I'm in a lineup for something (e.g: groceries, fast food, buffet etc.) and for some reason people all cram together and start pushing up tight up on you - literally to the point of someones cheek getting pressed against my back...but I look around and no one is reacting. I try to take a step to gain some personal space and they push up even harder. Do these people not have manners? For some reason this only happens when I'm in groups of Indians...is this a cultural thing? Back home bum rushing isn't that popular unless you're a..'Queen'.
This is the only country that I see people honk their horn and someone will go out to get their orders! What a lazy way to buy something,,
I hate the people that sit outside shops honking their horns however, the worst ones are the people that pull up behind parked cars blocking them in, honk for someone to come out and refuse to move their car until they have bought everything they want. Quite a few times I've ended up throwing a hissy fit just so I can get my car out of a parking space!
The cell phone thing is something I am guilty of every now and then, I think its just apart of the trend of disconnecting yourself from the real world. I must say though, I always give a person priority if theyre talking to me face to face and ask to be excused if I answer the phone.
As for the lazy assholes that park on the side of the street and honk their horn until their serviced, those people and the ones who tell me theyll do something inshallah make me want to kick them in the throat.
Yes, here in Doha when you are called for important meeting, driving all the way and spent hours to find parking. Land yourself in Board room sweating. You start discussion,then you hear phones ringing.End up sitting like a puppet.30 minutes meeting ends after two hours. It really sucks.
Toyota Land Cruisers
These days it's people parked on the road outside groceries, waiting for someone to come and get the stuff they want....Blocking traffic and acting indifferent to the traffic problem they are creating.. Grrrrrrrrrr.........