what is the basic salary for a junior architect in doha,qatar?
By archjeftel •
The offer of the Employer are the following:
Basic Salary : 3,285
Food Allowance : 547
Housing : Provided by the Company
Transportation : Provided by the Company
Ticket Allowance : As per contract
Medical Allowance : Provided by the Company
Contract Period : 2 years,no overtime
Vacation per year : 21 days
As I told you. It's your decision. You have to weigh in the pros and cons. The salary is not so bad and not so good also. But since you're a new architect and needs experience, it is to your advantage in the future finding a better paying job than this with your experience of more than 5 years. But are you prepared to leave behind your loved ones for a period of 2 years? Well,the world is getting smaller with the latest technology in electronics communications but still you need someone to look after them. Asking for an increase after sometimes when you're here is remote. What is in your contract is what you will get and no overtime whatsoever. The only thing is you'll be richer with experience in work and adventure. Take it or leave it.
I have 2-years experience on Architectural firm, although not licensed then. I've just passed the Licensure exam last June 2010 and this would be my 1st job as an Architect. By the way. I'm under 18-25 age bracket.
Is this salary range reasonable enough for a 1st timer or do I have to ask for an increase? If so, what other benefits should I ask for? What else do I have to know?
Pls. guide me mga kabayan, I'm so confused.
Thanks alot to QL!!!
Basic should not be less than 4k.QR 540 is not enough for one person's food and basic needs. The minimum you will spend for your personal needs will be 1.2k up to 1.5k. Cost of living is not cheap here kabayan. If ever you decide to sponsor your family this salary package is only half of the minimum salary requirement. But if your single this is better than what you get there in P.I. The only thing is your far away from home facing boredom and loneliness. It's your decision take it or leave it.
This is about 40,000 Pesos, I am sure that sounds good to you... Are you going to be taking care of your family? By the way this low will not allow even for your family to visit you.
But when they say Housing provided what is it like? Is it a work camp? Shared room?
Transportation? A van or bus that takes you to work? or a Rental car? If its the van how will you get around when not at work?