Sexy Indian Girls milking cows on TV

Does anybody know which TV program shows sexy Indian Girls vie with each other in special competitions such as:
1) Milking cows
2) Making Cow-dung cakes
3) Ploughing field
4) Sowing seeds
5) Reaping harvest
6) Washing clothes and hanging them out to dry.
etc. etc.
Can any one tell me which which TV channel is showing this program?
Oh yeah! The super glue bit was hilarious!!
Lol epi ... that scene with the apple pie was too good...
WK...pervert?? People in glass houses....
Eeeewwwww no epi! When he strips and uses superglue by mistake - think it may be American Pie 2
snessy: the scene with the apple pie?
Snessy, get a hold of yourself. Don't let WK's imagination run wild.
lol snessy you pervert :P
I don't know why, but I'm picturing a scene from American Pie, LOL
Oh Sness I fell off my chair at that comment.
WK, abe Saale, kapde pehan.
translation : have you selected your wedding trosseau yet?
ROFL...Snessy.... I bet he did strip in anticipation...
snessy bloody hell.....Aare you peeking in from my window????
Blushing??? You've probably stripped off in anticipation!
*Blushing Mode*
Awww WK.....*a big hug*
Ice: between his studies and making love to me all night long, he won't have time for anyone else!
@ Epi...he's promised a lot of have him on a leash...otherwise :)
Nah. It's University of Newfoundland and he's going to study underwater duck wrestling. I love wrestlers!
Rishi, shall we help you find a soni kuri too? Any preference in colour?
Oh epi I wanted to make a dramatic announcement but ah well I guess we couldn't have kept it hidden forever...
Ice I won't get married if you aren't there :P
Oops! Sorry, hun. Was that supposed to remain a secret?
Are you sure ? He told me that he'd been accepted to a "Drag School" and he's claiming assylum.
Lol rishi, Ahmad/Qatari must be worried now :-P
QL will lose revenue if wk gets married..
'begani shhadi mey abdullah deevana'
Woop Woop! WK, you get the passport ;-)
Is that a cheeky way of saying NO
WK I know you have been under CIA training very recently... that has been my major
jack I have been trained by the very best to avoid detection and of leaving false trails all over the place...
Ice being my elder sis you are a part of family now, no need to invite you :o)
Ok, the cat's out of the bag. WK's sonie kuree is also a gori (me). And I've agreed to marry him since he's been accepted to grad school in Canada. Thank you all for the well wishes! You all are invited to the wedding!
And what about Me? *wink*
Lol Ice...
Cool down ya pretty girls of QL... I have set my Radar to track WK... more over I have sent my eyes and ears after him... from now onwards ....all his movements will be traced...and a log kept....
The only problem is the bugger is good at evading all this :(
WK, can't wait :-D
drmana not all but you ofcourse will be ;o)
Why wait till then Jack? We already have a couple of weeks ago...
Lol Jack, all of QLers specially ladies including myself would be invited for the party hopefully :-)
Jack, we sexy gals are there to party, not tie Rakhi on WK's wrist.
On that day I will personally distribute Rakhi... to all the girls on QL to tie on WK's wrist... (sponsored by
LOL ladies.. You will definitely get the invitation when that happens :o)
WK do invite me too. Been a while since I danced as part of a baraat.
WK... no Ice... he knows where his heart belongs :) ... I have no idea about the rest of his body
WK...invite me :-)
Wow I am the only one out of loop.. Everyone else knows everything about my life, lol..
Jack he' still looking.
WK congrats... where is the Barty?
Tinker ..holy cow.. Now I know the real reason Why WK stopped drinking.
Rumour has it WK is going to find a sonie Kuree back home soon. Just so he does not get confused he has decided not to drink until then..:)
WK so you used to watch Desibaba too. man your old..:P
Flan after a few beers they all look pretty..:)
sorry edifis for the lil hijack ! :(
Instead just Keel asif_khan for promting me to go off the topic.
by the way, why are u after other farmers wives ? :(
Sileeence I keel you! I am talking about farmer's wives and desi village girls here. Please don't discuss about city girls here.
OMG, this topic has turned into hilarious node..Keep up guys!! lol
rizks bella is rocking???
did she throw rocks on u lol
she iz fit, fine and Rocking as ever ! :)
my Ramadaan is also going on well too, now only few days left and its over....:(
soniya bella is fit and fine didnt u see her in twilight series?????
rizk, i am fit and fine..Hope your RAMADAN is going well...No news of BELLA heard so is she?? :))
no wonder u r not getting any galz asif khan...:(
rizks i love my nose than her.......................
she will bite ur nose.....:)
rizks ok ok and then what she will do???
asif_khan its simble ! :)
lemme gib u one tip : -
go close to a gal and bite her ears softly....:)
lol Soniya, hello madame - how doing you ? :)
Howdy rizk?? give some tips to ASIF on how to WOO a
Ah, here comes our QL ROMEO..
Lmao Asif_Khan saala
yes rizks ur right but i m talk about my batch now the girls of ur time are closer to 100yrs and having grand children LOL
asif Khan i was senior to you in the same school if u remember ? Although i had many bootifool galz in my contact list which u use to see and get
as u were still a tiny roach u couldnt do or say anything to me so when u reached in ur higher school dayz u didnt find any bootiful galz as they all were either taken by me or either did suicide coz of not getting
jackbhai if u have studied in doha u would have noticed this. after high school beautiful girls just vanish and after a year i saw those girls pregnant (but with husbands)or having kids .
grrrrrrrrrr if i recall those memories i ll get mad
Asif, bad luck!!!
Lol... Asif....
coltbhai during my highschool i knew a lot of girls but after that some of them got married and some of them went to their home country and rest of the girls (non-beautiful) were in doha.
Doha??? There are so BOOTIFUL girls out here, and you didn't get the chance to see even one?? lol
be like Van Wilder... go back to HS and don't finish! :-P
@soniya in doha
asif, where did you finish your HIGH SCHOOL???
That show(Desi girl) has gone OFF AIR long back...
i m in qatar from many years but i have not seen girls with good personality except in my high school.
bwahahaha.. u guys ceaselessly amazes me.. lolxx
It seems you have a "Farmer's wife" fettish...
Mud wrestle.....Do they? I would love to watch that!
Do Indian girls Mud Wrestle ??
I love wild things too
G'night snessy/colt
he's probably looking thru desibaba already :-P
Ok peeps, lights out for me now, im hella sleepy :-( yall sleep well whenever yall do... nite nite ;-)
Right peeps, I'm off to bed, gonna get some beauty sleep :-)
I love wild things :(
Dunno about anyone else, but edifis won't be watching, he prefers to watch cows
Is it just me or is anyone else watching "Wild Things" too? It's about that time when they make-out in the pool :-)
i say you're a gori :-)
OK..Snessy what do I have to admit?
Colt, I'm more of a coconut!
edifis, admitting you have a problem, is half the battle ;-)
you are bad edifis... very very bad :P
Flan, the cows are pretty indeed! You stand no chance with them. Please don't come near them. They have an acute distaste for perverts! But if you want some pictures to help you in masturbating I can provide some udder closeups!
Colt....LOL I know about that site!
desibaba probably still has the same women who look like milking cows ;-)) LOL!
Colt you are misleading me!
Snessy I am not a pervert.
you're a gori right? :-P
In Qatar there are no single Indian girls so have to move on :(
Since i moved outta India, I've moved to gori's :-P
yea damn torrents,they ruined it all...
Bettered yourself Colt - moved on from Indian girls? LOL
you can say that again... those were the days!!!
JZ - idk if it's still active, i've bettered myself now :-P
hahaha... are the sites still active coltey?
LOL Colt the good old days of desibaba :P
Got us through college ;o)
you can watch it on or :-P
edifis, you have weird perversions ;-)
Well, forget those "Desi Girls".
Now it's time to watch "BIG BOSS 4"
i bet the cows are prettier.
edifis you wanna see sexy indian girls or wanna learn wht they do on the show? ;-)
for the former one you always have choice... if u know wat i mean :P
You mean "Desi girls" which was being telecast in NDTV imagine about a month back?
Search Youtube.
P.S: edifis, are you drunk?