
Maybe a new one - my wife and I want to bring her daughter (my step daughter) to Doha to live and be educated. The daughter's surname is not the same as her mother (she has her Father's surname) and my wife's surname is not the same as my surname (she is using her maiden name). Who will the daughter's sponsor be in Qatar - her Mother, me, my company??
Appreciate any guidance.
Hmmm - push has now come to shove and my Immigration Manager is saying that the "authorities" are saying that I cannot sponsor my step daughter UNLESS she is issued with a passport from nepal with my Surname on it which simply isnt going to happen - they wouldnt issue my wife with a new passport in my name so they arent going to issue her daughter with one. He says that the best option is for my wife to get a job and then she can sponsor - but Im right in thinking that there is a salary threshold??
One of my friend who is working in a private firm, wants to start a small bussiness. When he start the bussiness, can he change his visa to new bussiness firm (Because he resigning from present company & going back his home country.
Thanks to all 3 of you ;o)
Make sure you also have the correct document of consent from her father too if needed.
If you are sponsoring your wife, then her daughter can go on your sponsorship too. If your wife is getting her own sponsorship then the daughter can go on either of your sponsorships.
It won't be a problem - I came over originally with a different surname to my Mum & Step-dad and I went on his sponsorship without any problems.
As long as you have birth certificate showing your wife & her daughter are related and then your marriage certificate to show that you are married to your wife, there will be no issues.
if your wife is not under your sponsorship and provided that she is working and her salary fits in with the requirement from the immigration office, then she can sponsor her daughter. another scenario is that if your wife is under your sponsorship, you have to present pertinent documents such as your marriage certificate (this is to prove of course that you are leagally married even if your wife is not using your name), birth cartificate of your stepdaughter, passport, etc. or any supporting legal document that proves the relationship of the child to you or your wife. at best, if you have a PR officer from your company's HR consult with them since these people usually deal with sponsorship concerns of employees.