Ascent of Some Int'l Companies >>>
1- Google of year 97 & 98...
2-first Woodend typwriter by Apple...
3- First Laptop by Apple Macintosh till date in the next pic...
4- Beginning of Honda Company from small Workshop in 1946 which later turned into large one.... spreaded over the large area...
5- First Civic car by Honda Company in 1972 till date in the next pic...
6- First Mercedes benz of year 1901 & model till date in the nex pic...
7- First telephone by Nokia company in 1984, & latest one in the pic below...
8- First television by Sony Electronix, & latest made in the next pic...
9- HP company established in the year 1935, & has made remarkable improvment in the field of Computers.
keep sharing. thanks
every big thing was first just an idea.