Man shot in head but notices 5 years later

BERLIN – Police say a man living in Germany was shot in the back of his head, but that it took him five years to realize it.
Police said Tuesday that the 35-year-old man was hit by a .22-caliber bullet in the western town of Herne as he was out in the street partying and drunk on New Year's Eve five years ago.
They say the man recalled receiving a blow to the head, but told them he didn't seek medical assistance at the time.
The bullet did not penetrate the skull, and police say the Polish man only went to see a doctor recently when he felt a lump on the back of his head. An X-ray showed an object under his skin, and doctors operated and found the projectile.
Police say it may have been a stray bullet fired by a reveler in celebration. - AP
its remotely possible.. it was a stray bullet, it could possibly have lost its velocity and was about to hit the ground but launched itself under the scalp of the pole..
seems he was totally drunk and even didnt bother to check if he was bleeding where he got hurt.
Took him four years to sober up!
What beer was he drinking ?
lucky chap....
Oh, how could i miss this news?? :)
very few threads escape hijacking.
stop fighting kids :) wat to do yani hehehehe
I'm outta here for the day, have a few meetings to go to. May come online tonight, if I'm not wasted and passed out on the floor :-P
Have fun y'all!
WK...please dont hijack the thread... ;)
Tinker I didnt blame you... :(
seems like hijacked in the middle tink :D
it's okay i always welcome hijackers hehehe
Ima use a rifle or a handgun :-)
For once I agree with veris actually. It's a bit too much to talk about it all the time :(
lol jackmohan saala...
with a smaller gun u can sit and shoot even.
Colt thats a wise choice....
when you use the longer gun you have to lay down and spread your legs... (Veris its true there is no pun intended) stop vibration to you hands...
With a smaller gun you can stand and shoot....
Guys - Please check this new thread with information about shooting facilities at Qatar:
away from public eye, not particularly fond of these places but at least it would spare the rest of us from having to witness your transgressions...
Ok Tinkerbell....only for your sake... I will let him ...
he should know how to stop before shooting...there is a safety lock.... you see...
Tinker teach him...
I will not touch a BIG gun, I will use a smaller weapon :-D
Guys - Grown up verisimilitude (for lack of several better words) is here. So stop it now!
you talked thrash in school? remind me not to send my kid to that very same school ;-))
haven't heard this kind of trash talk since I was in school... Grow up people, stop indulging in your fantasies publicly
verisimilitude...we are talking of shooting... care to join... what size gun do you use?
Kick Colt out of the Shooting group... he empties his bullets before a shot is fired :(
Stick 'em up... suckers!!! :-P
really Tinky ?
poor Colt...:( its better u put ur hands in ur pocket and shoot tat .22 peanut....:(
PMSL Tinkerbell, you're very observant
don't tell everyone that now :-(
I was not at war, I was at the shooting range in Saigon and didn't know the damn trigger of the AK-47 is so sensitive :-(
we're 3 already, FU, Jack and Me ;-)... i say bring it on, Caligula style :-P
Thank god..atlest he noticed after 5 years.
Hey Colt, it's ok! Two's company, any more is an orgy...
LOL snessy, no comments :P
From the time Tinker has come on QL... its been a very wild ride ;)
Wut Up? ;-)... we were talking about shooting, wanna join us at the range? ;-)
and you're not WK? You're in your prime ;-)
Colt ...never empty your bullets...before going to war... ;)
snessy these people are 24 hours horny :(
I'm for it, sounds fun to me too :-)
Rizks you are Rajnikanth :(
Glad the guy is ok! You're all on full form first thing...
Guys am here Watch it !!!
you got that mixed up buddy, shoot is last ;-)
FU yeah that sounds fun...
Jack - Yes...The shooting complex allows people to shoot a few bullets for some 100 Riyals. Lets try and find the details. It will be fun if true.
I can't say I have, but I can say I went to the shooting range in Vietnam and no sooner did I touch the trigger, the rounds in my AK-47 were over :-(
Tinky...Mizzed you Too from the bottom of my heart....:)
Colt munne !
fyi i am an professional shoooter !
i dont aim and shoot, i just shoot and the aim gets itself....:)
Weird story...
SomwerNdmiddle love your new signature :o)
FU is there a legal place to go to shoot?... Here in Qatar? I would like to try!
lick - SHOOT & suck :D
Colt - Have you been to the Shooting complex just beyond the golf course. I have been planning to go sometime. Do they have archery too? Let's plan an outing one of these days. Not sure if it's very expensive.
We're talking about shooting, not your area of expertise... :-))
Ahem Ahem !
wots goin on here ? :(
You're good with your hands too. That is why I LIKES you a lot :-D
some get shot in and some shot on :-P... ROFL
you wanna practice loading a shotgun? I'm sure you seen how it's done eh? ;-P
Tinker - Everyone gets shot at some point in life.
I LOVE shooting too :-P
shooting blanks :D
Tinker - Shooting is a fav passtime of many.
I'm harmless, I fire blanks ;-)
Say, when do you wanna go to the shooting range? :-P
LOL tinkerbell :)