How to seek charity to re-build mosque in my home country?
By DohaAuslander •
When I went home during this summer, one of my uncles told me that he needs my help to seek charity to re-build mosque near his house. The mosque already old and the capacity was so less to accommodate whole people in village. He also gives me “the proposal” (in my language) for the event.
I feel during this time especially Ramadhan, it is so great to help such of event, but I can’t afford to do it alone. My question is: Is that some kind of organization or institution who can offer me help to funding this event, here in Qatar?
Any advices I would be appreciate.
Thanks in advance
[email protected]
You'll have to get registered with Qatar Charity for any kind of cash or goods collection in the name of charity.
Thanks for advice guys :)
there is a lot of charity organizations here
check this web site for Eid al-thani charity organization
and here is the contacts
another organizations found them on the web
charity begins at home. start there.
contact qatar charity