Have we lost our humane side?

A coroner has condemned the "shabby" actions of people who took mobile phone photographs of a teenage girl after she jumped from a multi-storey car park.
"This was a child's life and you were taking photos on your mobile phones”
Michael Johnston
Actually, in the UK, newspapers tend not to publish such pictures..
Thats called NEWS News papers are doing just the same
A sad reflection on some of our society.. Perhaps reality shows are to blame for this sad and ghoulish behaviour.
this is really sad... :(
I feel may be daily watching and hearing all the horrible crime stories, violence etc in news have made us insensitive. There was a time when a news of bomb blast used to be scary, now its just another news.
I dont agree that we lost our humanity, this is down to individual behaviour and relatively new media infulence on oportunistic pparazzi wanna be's
We use the word 'lost' for something which we had and it went missing..."humane side" ...doesnt fit into that definition when talking of human beings.
yea , Drmana .. not only that but the worst
itz suckz
same incident happened 2 days ago... when a chinese naked woman jumped down from a multistorey building but got escaped...report says she was mentally abnormal...
last evening on AlJazeeraIntl i watched this report about a milk in china growing breasts in infants or something... and earlier i heard this product called 'kurkure' from india had aluminium or something in it to make it more crunchy....
it was okay to watch the movie kill bill but nowadays people are ready to kill for bill ... not funny no.
Pretty much the same here when you see a car wreck. Same in Pakistan when that plane recently crashed, same world over. Shame on society :o(
INSANE !!!!! Just F!@#$n TERRIBLE !!!
there was the age of darkness... now came the age of communication.... and its taking us to the age of individualism... which is roughly darkness
if there is light after darkness... well there is darkness after light....
i am not able to arrange the words
They must be busy posting those pics on their Facebook accounts right now.