Somaliland and African Democracy

The picture that the African Voters expect from their leaders is always a shared thing and that’s why some believe Africa still lack the sense of the Democracy and the Justice they were fighting for in the Colonial era, and I take here one of the neighboring countries to Somaliland Djibouti as an example, because It’s mind puzzling to see this state which has been colonized by French in early fifties but up to now didn’t reached into a point where they can practice Democracy, Accountability and Transparency, despite the fact that they are being supported by one of EU Countries and enjoying the membership of AU, Arab League and the United Nations – Often the problems which faces the African Countries are not but a Political corruption, lack of respect for rule of law- generally human rights violations are all common reasons heard for some of the causes of Africa’s problems so why someone will assume that Djibouti is not like the State of Denial in Zimbabwe or why President Ismail Omer Geileh will be different from Robert Mugabe – both of them had suppressed the rights of the Opposition parties and lashed out the voices of the other side – this Phenomena today seems to be equal from what we see from Arab Monarchy – at the end of this year Djibouti will held a presidential Election where RPP ( The Ruling Party) and the Opposition parties of MRD and PND will be trying to change what seems a doctrine of Gheile but how? To understand that this President has marched in April his 12 Year in the Office yet he is using his power to violate the constitution by running illegal 3rd term – one could ask why then the Election, if the other parties will come out of the blue!! And what could be worse than knowing that there are a people who accept and support this kind of practices, thus if we put it in that formula then there is no value for the Presidential Election in Djibouti does it?
We all live in this small world where if something happens in New York our lives consistently changes, and that we are affected by our surrounding environment, and if this is the condition of the neighboring countries to Somaliland, which by the way are shared by many African countries. we ask, whether Somaliland democracy is that different or it’s just another play ground by a people who are refusing to admit to themselves the nature of that which they are accepting. Without a doubt Somaliland has won over itself and overcome all the obstacles to reach where it is today, mainly without any international assistance or support - Somaliland people proved that they can achieve what many couldn’t, and as pointed out by Dr. IQBAL JHAZBHAY that Somaliland is Africa best kept secret, and it’s a challenge to the internality community.
This country has proven to the world that there is a real democracy in Africa, and it will always seem to be different from what they call the Doctrine of “Objective Invalidity” (Ghana) is another country which sucessfully held their Presidential election in Jan 2009 and to officially announce Mr John Evans Atta Mills - that election has been marked one of the sucessful but rare Elections happened in Africa in a democratic way, unlike Zimbabwe and Kenya - Ghana for certain was a triumph for all Africans - Somaliland wasn't different from that scenario and through its different elections it had showed to that there are other means Africans can prove to themselves and to the world without the traditional ways!!
Yes Somaliland has been in different terms a Country that represent the true meaning of Democracy and Welfare in Africa, it's what they have approved through the multi various elections held prior to the last 15 years, it's what embraced their future and the founding document of their own and it's what the voices of Somalilanders could spell during those years despite all odds.
Still Somalilanders remember when the day they returned back back their sovereignty and decided to say goodbye to that Gun-Shot Unity, simply because they were the voices who didn’t vote for that referendum in Borama through some clan affiliation or self- ambitions but with a creed they shared together that Building and reclaiming the lost dream in Sixties will be their innate feelings and hope – maybe their ancestors missed it but you got the opportunity to proceed the work and to make Somaliland once again the only place that impossible is possible. A place where people like Prof Ibrahim M. Samater couldn’t help but obeyed what the people demand in 1991 as he was the first to announce Somaliland State hood, so that Vote has been a turning point to the People of Somaliland who decided persistently to chart another different direction from the other Countries.
But now after two decades we feel that what was gained by sacrifice and hard work is slowly slipping away, and that by one reason or other The Policy of Somaliland has been dominated by the fiasco of the folks who run for the ballot by any means without asking themselves why? Is it to provide a luxury house to their families or to secure the future of their children - Maybe having a good time with the family on the beautiful sunny beach of Cayman Island - who knows it could even be more to expect from those leaders for their own post security but less for the Country prosperity and development.
Recently the Somaliland Presidential election voting registrations has started with a new blood and a new mechanism from the new NEC who proved that they're capable of meeting their own responsibilities and can accomplish the task assigned to them rightly -NEC has challenged even many who suspect the reliability of using biometric voter cards in the Election therefore it was really a challenge for the NEC specially and Somaliland in general terms because this is the first time an African Country adopt such system of voting - Today No wonder to see Gambia even introducing biometrics voter cards in their upcoming election in 2011.
but despite the success that NEC has gained, still the resentment and the desperate feelings you all share is there when you see the business in Hargeisa today has changed into some parties squabbling in the political squares -some even go beyond that for degrading personalities and some political figures labeling them clanist/terrorist/backward people - In short this is not the kind of politicians you will admire watching in the Cable TVs’ or attending one of their rallies in Decision 2010- A case in Point Mr. Ismail Adan Othman - The former Somaliland Minster of Interior Affairs and the Chief Advisor of Riyale - a man the Opposition parties don't need any introduction of him has went to Gabiley to endorse one of the men he was fighting against his policies and agendas. He accused Mr Riyale to lack the sense of Nationality and Somalilandhood in his speech - Something can't refute the assertions he made when it comes to him - by hook and crook that's the politics and that’s the way it roles be it with Silanyo or UCID Mr. Ismail will not miss the chance to get any ticket from anyone - who knows maybe it will make him take a VP Ticket. this Phenomena of the endorsement from the UDUB Officials is not merely seen only with Ismail Adan Osman - or as he's pleased to be called ISMAIL YARE but it even exist in UCID party led by Eng Faisel Ali Warabe - recently there was a bunch of both UDUB and UCID Upper House Members who joined Kulmiye - for one reason those members believed that the Ruling Party is not honest and fair, to hold a free and democratic election, also there is other who think the Ruling Party today is week therefore, they are going for their securing their job’s - Both Reasons could be reasonable in a sense make them even so obsessed with what matters most to them, but not to the public - Indeed this is not the first time you hear about this story nor it will be the last but what’s striking though, is to witness that instead of bringing someone who will change the policies of same, someone who pays your bill, and mind your own clan business, not someone who welcomes you for your nepotism, not some who will look like another replica of the 7 Year party we know and don't expect much from them - these stories I know it's in every house, every street and everywhere because people want so badly to elect someone who changes the politics as usual in Somaliland, A President who knows that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply. The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works for all the people, whether it's functionable with spirit, and unyielding hope that they inherited from their forebears, and that - Nothing will come as they wish if they didn’t mobilize each other, work with each other and fight for the sake of their country, and that there is nothing that can show, or represent what they hold for their country better than to be a patriots.
Finally the day of 26 June is reminding us of an important date that has been engraved in our memory for so long - so this election that seems a defining moment for Somaliland so everyone should make that dream come true where Somaliland - maybe to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
Faisel.A Warsama
Summary - is that Somaliland has proved to the world that it's different from the Doctrine of Objective Invalidity that chased Africa for years
Summary - is that Africa never had a pleasant story be it Uganda,Sudan,Sieraleone and etc and while all those countries fought for the same reason: to free themselves from the Colony and got their freedom inorder to form some institutions which are Democratic,fair and accuntable - they failed without good reason to mention.
Summary - is that A Country like Kenya happened their GDP reached more than South Korea , now it's not even close.
no patience to read such a big history
For a start too long. Its an idiots paradise and people on here can't read that much.
Lets hope the people of this country get the leaders they deserve.