Less than week from now
Brothers & sisters less than week from now, the Holy month of Ramadan will start Insha Allah. let all of us make promise to ourselves that we will not host grand iftars in restaurants inviting a huge gathering & competing with each other, with number of dishes for Breaking fast and Dinner after. Please make it simple and avoid waste of food &money. Money saved could be donated to Red Crescent or any other true relief agencies to get basic for brothers & sisters effected by floods in Pakistan,war raveged momeens elsewhere. Our brethern can have basic Wheat,Rice to cook atleast a meal to fast. May Allah guide us and bring relief to brothers & sisters in holy month.Aameen. jazakAllah khair
only if we all pledge to do this.
insha allah, lets spend in the way of good deeds rather than hosting lavish parties
Great advice....
I made a vow a few weeks back to do all I can in order to prevent food wastage at our home. So far its been quite a jihad but Alhamdullilah worth the effort. Subhanallah its sad to see the huge amounts of food wasted in Ramadan of all the months..Audubillah! Ramadan is a month that should be dedicated to ibaada so all Muslims & Muslimas should endure to eat in such a way that our bodies our strong enough to worship Allah best. May Allah make it easy on us & grant us an accepted Ramadan..Aameen!