GuCCi is back to Business.

Few months back, it gives me sadness to see the 'Opening Soon' sign attached on its window.
They been opened for sometime, it has been one of my favorite shopping destination in Villaggio (window shopping mostly;) and it was closed.
Well that was then,
GuCCi ViLLaGGio is now OPen and back to Business..
My SA called me 11;30 this mornin'
Yes that is today 30 July 2010.
Gucci Fan, aren't you excited to see what's new in store for you/ us...?
i Am...and i am going to visit Gucci tonight, see yah.
Gu chi!!
Wrong post!
waoooow i can't believe that, i can't wait
*another screaaaaam* ;)
Oh, I thought she might be one of the China Dolls at Ramada Parking! Thanks for sharing your experience. Now I will not try anything of that sort with her If I meet her at Ramada.
I love origami! I also would like to have a black belt in origami. But the trouble is that these belts made out of black paper..are so frail... I cannot tighten them, so I go back to my original leather belts!
You plonker.. Gucci (goo-hee) is the famour South Korean martial artist who is a blackbelt in Origami.
Who is Gucci? Was she sick? Why did she close the shop?
desosb..m not sure, maybe for some renovation...or inventory...or im not really sure..
but anyhow, it is now OPeN...
why was the place closed ?
consumer wh0re alert!
item we have to pay,its worth buying even if it is expensive
Gucci- Over-rated