What is for dinner tonight?

Japanese food - Japanese national cuisine. Differs preference for natural, minimally processed foods, the extensive use of seafood, seasonal, typical dishes, specific formatting rules of dishes, serving, drinking etiquette. Japanese cuisine, as a rule, are a key attraction for tourists from other countries. It’s disgusting
LOL Lafanga
Try some sushi Soniya, it's pretty good :)
Naaahh brady, please..NO WAY...I can't even think for it..
I like to eat raw humans specially if they are covered with sweat. Saves salt and pepper.
Be adventurous! Try it just once..live life on the edge!You won't regret it.. lol
FathimaH, I don't think i would ever develop any taste for RAW FISH..NO WAY...lol
Sorry for the late reply but yeah WK & Visper said it..Sushi minto rocks as far as quality sushi goes. For a quick fix I'd go with the Mongolian bbq joints..not bad =)
And I'm in agreement with brady ann...no wasabi for me. Just sushi..lots of it!
I don't eat sushi!
Where can I buy wasabi?
No, I will be having some vegetarian dish tonight. That stuff is not good for us. I dont want to tell what is that.
now cherukkan wat do u hav for dinner.. same as above
Soniya, Dont try sushi, you might get addicted to it.
Sushi Minto .. Also in Ramada..
Sushi Minto on Salwa road opposite Jarir book store.
Sounds yummy though!But the stuff I tried were awesome..I love sushi =)
Sushi, sometimes i like, sometimes i don't.. :)
That platter looks yum..I want =(
Soniya I used to think that way too...now I'm hooked! Its delicious..raw fish & all!
kappa and mathi curry :P
brady, but i have heard that SUSHI contains RAW FISH in it??? so do you find raw fish tasty??
Must have been on the Saki last night ...
I am a veggie but a strict foodie. Nothing disgusts me as long it is had by Humans. I cherished the chinese food with my eyes when I was there. It was a treat !!!
Visper good thought. BTW I am not starving and it is not my creation.
Come on guys, the post is in funnies...... and he is eating something. I did not tell what is he eating.
I dont want to post the source link here as all of you will go crazy and will start cursing me.
sorry for double reply :( .ps.. maybe thats offensive about Japanese food:|
no it isn`t~!~
the idiots are starting early today.
Cherukkan is hallucinating due to severe starvation.. :))
Did I miss something?
what is he eating? what is disgusting? and why is it funny?
Offensive.. :P