Are there opportunities for gilders in Doha?
Hi there everyone,i know my profession could sound unusual for many of you,i'm a gilder(gold leaf artist)from Italy,wondering would there be any job opportunity in Doha for me.
Is there an Arts and craft council i could refer to?or should i contact interior designers and architects?
Anyone can help? thank you
Wow,thats just what i wanted to hear!thank you so much,very helpful : )
Doha,here i come!!
I actually think you could do really well here. Qatari taste is very fond of gold in their homes, work places etc and there is a great deal of money here.
You could try and get a job but if you are feeling brave why not try and start up your own thing?
I honestly think once you secured a foothold you'd make a killing
ah ah yes of course!but please be helpful as well as funny : ) thanks
unfortunately doha has dates leaves only....
Thank you for your reply,i've never been to Doha but i would imagine there is a great use of gold leaf in buildings like hotels and banks,is there?
Contact Interior designers and Architects firms.