Baby with cleft lip and palate

Hello everybody,my name is Elena.I have a babygirl with cleft lip and palate,she is on second month now.I would like to get advice from the families who have a kids with a same development.I have some question to ask" where did u make surgery,when u did first and secong, who was your doctor, that kind of health problems your was facing before and afte surgery?How is your baby feel know?You are happy with how the surgery was done.You did it in Qatar or out of the country and where? I will be apprecciate for any information that a can get.Thank you all.Here is my email [email protected]
sending you a message with details now
That's wll be great, but how I can get in touch with him,is it possible to have a name and number, so we will try to call him?
If you would like to have the surgery in Qatar, the surgeon I mentioned visits a clinic in Qatar as a visiting consultant. Also he could give you recommendation about the best doctor to do the procedure in Qatar itself as he is familiar with the people of his trade in Qatar. But I cannot speak on his behalf, all I can do is put you in touch with him so you can decide for your own.
We was consulted by maxillofacial surgeon from Rumailah hospital, but
I would like to get more information as possible, and get in touch with a people
Who may be did this surgery for there kids in Qatar, to know if it is ok to do it here, or maybe better to go to Jordan ,or some where else. Of course as a mother, I wont the best for my child, that is why, I am trying to get more information about, this.
If you can make the journey to India,there is a world famous maxfac. trauma unit in the southern state of Karnataka that is supported by Smile Train NewYork, please check this link
The surgery cost will be minimal as the unit receives funding from Smile Train for the surgeries.
Furthermore,as with any surgery,experience is what counts more than anything else & having done a year's residency @ the unit myself,i can tell you,those guys can do this blindfolded,there are two OT's & they do at least 4 corrective surgeries a day,as there are patients coming in from all over India.
Versi suggested Saudi which would be much more convenient in terms of travel as it is next door but i don't know how much experience that surgeon would have compared to the ones i mentioned as thsse guys are doing it day in day out,everyday.
Rest assured,wherever you decide to go,as Versi correctly mentioned,this type of condition is easily corrected surgically...good luck.
You need to see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon
If you would like, I know a very good one in Saudi who you can guide you, pls send me a message to discuss in more detail
My wife is a dentist and she says that nowadays the treatment for this can be managed easily depending on the degree of the cleft