Mods, can you MOVE posts to the right forums

By ex.ex.expat •
rather than deleting the thread. This is happening a lot lately, especially with religious discussions, and you are ruining our chances to learn. I am not concerned about classifieds but other discussions.
I have written to Ahmad and qatari about this but neither ever responded.
Please consider changing this habit.
rEzyz... they are all still there... only one was apparently deleted... I think Pajju called for that one...
sorry for little hijack
now u can move on with your thread ;)
but pak-afghan borders situation is different than that of indian-nepal border... for security issues...
they were settled in subcontinent (Pak & Ind) before partition, and if i'm not mistaken the history of movement were started from the era of Mehmood of Ghazni.
and the fact that some now have Pakistani passports is due to migration and mordern borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
I know I should know this since I am Afghani :) lol
their mistake, it must be Kabul and Afghania :O)
I still can't quite figure out why a bloke would have a chic as his avatar... ;P
And I was a little slow on the uptake. I see you are actually from Pakistan, not Norway. My mistake, mate. Sorry.
then why named peshawar, khyber pakhtoon-khwa if every pakhtoon is afghani...?
rezzyz......for your kind info, every Pakhtun is Afghan.
no dear... she is Diana Zubiri, a filipina actress & my favourite 1...
what to do... i m getting friendsheep msgs even then... no one knows about her?
btw... dotoo, you didn't start any thread for pakhtoons... 'you know you are pakhtoon when'... or likely to happen?... ;)
why do you have a young Filipina's picture as your avatar? Is that your girlfriend? Just curious.
i dont think so mods are taking part in any of bash threads or stinky 1...! they just keepin an eye...
corrupted ppl are everywhere, not to mention ......, but even on QL few of Mod Uncles, who are highly corrupted and looking for their PR ;)
you mean to say, corruptions happening in butchery items too... ;b
feel free to call me, if you need a weird example for this :P
If it's a new car, let me know ;)
A good butcher will leave the meat and throw away the waste, right mate? However, I have to admit I have known a few back home who cut out the good stuff (presumably to feed their own families) and try to serve us up a bunch of fat and waste. You think that is happening here? lol
btw don't think i'm 101% agree with you, its the matter of my QL points, i just want to reach 5000 ;)
today getting threads deleted :)
ok, why all of those threads were deleted then... any reason?
'you bash with the ones you love' ...better to use PM option... ;b
i like ur idea, some times Mod Uncle acts like butcher of my town, he doesn't have mercy on most of my threads ;)
ignore u r chance will come....
We are not discussing bringing back religious bashing. We are discussing moving threads to the appropriate forums rather than shutting them down because they weren't posted in the "proper" one to begin with. Got it mate?
ql is incomplete without religious bashers
so again ql is back to its sucking dayz again!!!!!!!
and atlast!!!!!! the mods have become active in this regards........finally they woke up after these many years
the old saying.. you always fight with the ones you love;-P
rEzyz... I don't agree with you... None of those "You know you are...." threads are bashing...
I posted my own one on my own country.... all it is, is giving people insite to what you would find normal in your country... posted one on Afghanistan... am almost sure he wasn't bashing his own country.
is to have reasonable people engage in pleasant and mature discussion. That raises the level of debate. I find myself trying to behave better when I come across people like that. When you find yourself liking them and respecting them, you hardly go about being a twat to them! lol
And you might want to give up forums altogether. Hope this helps!
ya i use to ignore them... coz that all is rubbish... specially today's threads... against each community... it shows their mentality how cheap they are...! :(
Pleasure is all mine really..Its nice that we all learn from each other and I totally know what you mean.Hopefully the mods might change their tactics now cos in truth deleting threads is hardly a deterrent for bashings anyways.
since morning, m on reading mode... and lot of useless threads passed through my eyes... sensibility level is descending on QL... people dont have anything left creative instead of bashing with one another... peeping into eachother's communities and finding the worst to display on...!!
Do you need a nanny to protect your sensitivities? If you are not interested in the topics being discussed just ignore. :)
But no one will respond. I really appreciate what I am learning from you and a few others here and I hate to have it cut off in mid sentence :)
Its so disappointing really when in the middle of a really good discussion we find a thread simply deleted thus no chance of resuming where we left off. Hope the mods respond favorably to this request.