Has anyone Done a Family Visa recently

Ok here are my questions?
I have the following documents in hand.
My RP and work visa
Passport copies for wife and child
*Original* NSO Report of Marriage
*Original* NSO Birth Certificates for wife and child
Letter of employment w/ salary (well above the limit)
Do I need to take the originals to the embassy to be verified?
Bank statements(from overseas, I do not bank in Qatar) How many accounts do they want to see.
Here is what I do not have, electric or water bill as these are included with my company provided housing.
Once the question of the documents is answered, how long is the processing of the visa. How much is the fee? Any answers you can provide will be helpful.
if you don't have a bank account yet, a salary certificate from your current company will do, showing the last 6 months.
family visit visa is different from husband visa. this two things should be differentiated first, so that there wont be any confusion.
family visit visa is only good for 1 month, which can be extended up to 6 months. while husband visa duration depends on the visa of the husband given by his sponsor or company. hence, the requirements for husband visa is much stricter.
husband visa requires, 7,500qr minimum salary while family visit visa is only 5,000qr.
same question I have, just want to know if the salary requirements 7500QR includes everthing or it should be 7500QR plus allowances. Thanks in advance.
hey....hey... first I want to know how much should be your salary first before you can sponsor your family here in qatar? bcoz some say it was QAR 7,500 basic including allowance, currently i have basic salary of 5,000 plus I have total of 2,500 allowance is these enough to sponsor my fam here? pls help....
there must be some kind of exception to the bank account thing, I can surely open an account here but there is no way I am going to have my salary be deposited into it. I need an expert on this subject...anyone know this answer I can't be the first to do this.
I think you should have the bank account in Qatar and bank statement should shows your salary is transferring to this account. I am not sure, how you can manage with overseas account. May they can reject your application bcz of it.
I think you should have the bank account in Qatar and bank statement should shows your salary is transferring to this account. I am not sure, how you can manage with overseas account. May they can reject your application bcz of it.
Forms are available in the Ministry of Labor or at any of the typing centers, got mine done at souq Waqif, next to the police station on the right hand side you'll find them.
If you can download your bank statement from internet banking with your bank just take a print out of the last 6 months and take it to your bank to get it stamped for free (works with QNB for me) else they will charge you for print outs. Letter from your company stating your salary, passport copies, id copy etc.
On the website the english part doesnt work so you'll have to click on the image with the keyboard, then you'll get 3 links in arabic (there is the word SMS on the last link) click the first link of the three then click the second option. Fill in the application form in the first field and then your QID number in the second field then click the button on ur right. The result is also in arabic but you can copy it and get it translated on http://translation.babylon.com/arabic/to-english/
Hey smoke- great link- please referance my reply about forms, and get back to me.....
how much should ones salary to be able to be in family status? is bank statement necessary or salary company leter wil do ?
You need to file this in the ministry of Labor and not immigration. Then they will give you a application number that you have to check the visa status on www.mol.gov.qa
they have typing centers at the immigration office.. they can fill out the form for you.
Get your company PRO to do it for you! Why take so much headache!
The forms, now that poses a problem as I can not read them. The form on the MOI site is in arabic only. is it one or two forms?
Hamado- What do you charge for this service? Do you include the filling of the form.
just g to the passport department..then to the building 4... take a Que number.. but u have t fill the form also for ur wife n child..n submit with all ur documents..i think charge of 200 per person n within 2 or 3 days u will get the visa for them...