Job searching problems..........!

I'm an IT Professional from Sri Lanka. Currently on 6 month Visit Visa. 3 months have already gone. But I could not get a job. I wish to know whether it is worth waiting for next 3 months or else I should go back home. Someone said, as Ramazan season is coming, searching a job is difficult in the next few months. Please advice in this regard.
Ramadan season is coming soon, it will be even harder to look for a job as most employers will be on holiday...
I wish I was on holiday! :0(
You can try 4 the next 3 months also...If u didnt get 1 in that 3 months,please go back & return aftr ramzan....U will get 4 sure....But verify abt current IT field vacancies also...
mac, ur question was answered here as well..
don't give up...nothing is impossible!
better apply in qatar airways its easy to get job here small salary but no need for backers...just try it..
Jobs are really scarce these days as Ramadan is fast approaching. After Ramadan, perhaps a month after, jobs will be available.
You still have 3 months more and if your finances can still hold you for another 3 months..... Keep that spirit alive within you...There's no harm in trying...
Good Luck to your search!!!
If you still have the means try, visit some computer shops search on the advertisement publish by some local newspaper. You still has 3 months to go. Try and try until you suceed.
better to go back home as most companies are already in holiday mode.